Resolution relating to the renaming of Allen Playground located at 1648 South 4th Street as Norbert R. Witkowiak Park. (Buildings & Fleet Division)
This resolution renames Allen Playground, located at 1648 South 4th Street, as Norbert R. Witkowiak Park.
Whereas, Norbert R. Witkowiak was a long time resident and businessman of this south side neighborhood and exemplifies the hard working immigrants who contributed to the development of Milwaukee; and
Whereas, Norbert R. Witkowiak was honored in 1994 by the Wisconsin Funeral Directors Association for his 50 years of excellence in his profession; and
Whereas, Norbert R. Witkowiak passed away on February 4, 1995, at the age of 76; and
Whereas, James N. Witkowiak was instrumental in the restoration of this recreation area; and
Whereas, It is appropriate to memorialize the contributions of exemplary leaders in the naming of public facilities; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the Common Council authorizes the renaming of Allen Playground, located at 1648 South 4th Street, as Norbert R. Witkowiak Park; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the proper City departments are authorized and directed to complete the park signage and installation; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Department of Public Works shall submit a report to the Finance and Personnel Committee and the Common Council within 30 days of the date of completion of this project, delineating all costs related to the design and installation of the park sign including but not limited to:
1. The total project cost; 2. Actual dollar amounts charged to specific account numbers within the various departments' accounts for costs related to materials, design, and labor.
Bldgs & Fleet
Clerical correction made 4/9/01. mbh