A substitute charter ordinance relating to a global pension settlement.
36-02-8.5 cr
36-02-17 am
36-04-1-c cr
36-04-4 cr
36-05-1-f am
36-05-1-h-4 csra
36-05-1-h-5 csra
36-05-1-h-5 cr
36-05-1-h-6 am
36-05-1-h-7 cr
36-05-1-i-1-0 am
36-05-1-i-1-a csrn
36-05-1-i-1-b csrn
36-05-1-i-2-a csra
36-05-1-i-2-b csra
36-05-1-i-2-b cr
36-05-2-e cr
36-05-3-b-3 cr
36-05-3-c-1-a am
36-05-3-d am
36-05-5-a-1 am
36-05-8-a-1 am
36-05-8-a-2 am
36-05-8-b-12 am
36-05-8-b-13 cr
36-05-8-d am
36-05-11 cr
36-08-2-a-0 am
36-08-2-a-1 rp
36-08-2-b am
36-08-2-c am
36-08-3-0 am
36-08-3-a am
36-08-4 am
36-08-6-a-0 rc
36-08-6-a-1 rc
36-08-6-a-2 rc
36-08-6-b am
36-08-6-c rp
36-08-6-d rp
36-08-6-h cr
36-08-7-e am
36-08-7-k am
36-08-7-m cr
36-08-8 cr
36-08-9 cr
36-13-2-f cr
36-13-2-g cr
- Analysis -
In a series of court decisions the court of appeals for the first judicial district of the state of Wisconsin has held that certain benefit modifications and structural modifications to the employes retirement act enacted into law by the common council required the consent of individual members, retired members and beneficiaries of the employes' retirement system. As a result, the city, city agencies, unions representing the city and city agency employes, and representatives of retirees have entered into a memorandum of understanding calling for a global settlement of all outstanding pension issues and lawsuits. Under the global settlement there will be improvements in pension benefits. The expenses of the retirement system will be paid from retirement system earnings. The separate funds of the retirement system will be combined and the firemen and policemen's survivorship fund will be dissolved with the consent of its members. This charter ordinance implements all of the agreed upon changes, subject however to the approval of the members, retired members, beneficiaries and a court determination that the settlement i...
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