Resolution authorizing the City of Milwaukee’s Department of Administration to accept funds from a subaward from the State of Wisconsin-Department of Administration’s allocation of the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds from the American Rescue Plan Act for the provision of a summer 2022 Earn and Learn Violence Prevention Program with Employ Milwaukee.
This resolution authorizes the City of Milwaukee Department of Administration to accept funds from a subaward from the State of Wisconsin-Department of Administration’s allocation of the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds from the American Rescue Plan Act for the provision of a summer 2022 Earn and Learn Violence Prevention Program with Employ Milwaukee.
Whereas, The State of Wisconsin, Department of Administration has subawarded the amount of $635,224 from its State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund American Rescue Plan Act allocation to the City of Milwaukee to provide a summer Earn and Learn Program to Milwaukee’s youth during the summer of 2022; and
Whereas, The State and City expect the program to be administered by the City’s subrecipient partner, Employ Milwaukee, as a means of providing early violence intervention; and
Whereas, The subaward is for the period from March 2021 through December 2026; and
Whereas, The subaward is provided entirely by the grantor, with no City match; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the Department of Administration is authorized to accept the subaward funds described above for the purposes described above; and
Further Resolved, That the Department of Administration is authorized to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Milwaukee and the State of Wisconsin for the acceptance of this subaward; and, be it
Further R...
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