Substitute 1
Substitute resolution determining it necessary to make various nonassessable public improvements at various locations and appropriating funds for these purposes with the City engineering cost estimated to be $50,000 for a total estimated cost of these projects being $2,024,000.
This resolution authorizes engineering studies on projects which by City Charter are nonassessable. After design plans and estimates of costs have been prepared, a resolution authorizing construction will be submitted to the Common Council. The City cost for engineering these projects is estimated to be $50,000 with the total cost estimated to be $2,024,000.
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that it is necessary and in the public interest to do the following described improvements according to City specifications:
6th Aldermanic District
N. Port Washington Rd. - W. Hampton Ave. to 150’ north of W. Hampton Ave. (WT410180015) Hydrant alteration. (Nonassessable Water Fund Budget Line 5010 -- $2,000; Nonassessable Water Fund Budget Line 6410 -- $13,000.) The total estimated cost for this project including the requested amount is $60,000. This project is anticipated to be completed during the 2018 construction season.
13th Aldermanic District
S. 3rd St. - W. Grange Ave. to W. Edgerton Ave. (SM499180116) Bioswales (Storm Water Quality - Nonassessable Water Quality Projects to meet TMDL Requirements -- $15,000). The total estimated cost for this project including the requested amount is $100,000. This project is anticipated to be completed during the 2019 construction season.
15th Aldermanic District
N. 26th St. - 200’+/- north of W. North Ave. to W. Wright St. (SM495180034) Slip lining combined sewer. (Nonassessable Sewer Maintenance Relay Fund -- $20,000. The total estimated cost for this project including the requested amount is $1,864,000. This project is anticipated to ...
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