Resolution directing the Department of Administration - Intergovernmental Relations Division to lobby the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to provide financial assistance to local governments to remediate lead in drinking water.
This resolution directs the Department of Administration - Intergovernmental Relations Division to lobby the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to provide financial assistance local governments to remediate lead in drinking water.
Whereas, Approximately 2,000 water systems spanning all 50 states have water tests that show excessive levels of lead contamination within the past four years; and
Whereas, The water systems, which reported lead levels exceeding the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standards, collectively supply water to 6 million people, including approximately 350 water systems that provide drinking water to schools or day cares; and
Whereas, At least 180 water systems have been found to have failed to notify customers about the high levels of lead, as required by the federal rules; and
Whereas, Even at small doses, lead poses a health threat, especially for pregnant women and young children, causing damage to growing brains, reduced IQs, attention disorders, and other behavioral problems; and
Whereas, As many as 600 water systems have tested lead levels as high as 40 parts per billion, which is more than double the Environmental Protection Agency’s action level limit; and
Whereas, Lead water-service lines are a significant source of lead in water systems; and
Whereas, Replacing lead water-service lines is both necessary and costly; and
Whereas, Many cities are in need of financial assistance to appropriately address the replacement of lead water-service lines, especially for residents who are financially unable to pay for lead water-service line replacement; and
Whereas, The mission of the U.S. Environmental Prote...
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