160594, 170619, 170620, 170756, 170757, 170758, 170759, 170760, 170763, 170782
A substitute ordinance to further amend the 2017 offices and positions in the City Service.
This substitute ordinance changes the rates of pay in the following departments:
Fire Department, Health Department, Port of Milwaukee, Department of Public Works
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
Part 1. Part 1, Section 1 of ordinance File Number 160594 relative to rates of pay of offices and positions in the City Service is hereby amended as follows:
Under “Health Department”, amend footnote “(Q)” to read as follows:
“(Q) To expire 09/30/18 unless the FIT Families (WIC) from the State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services, is extended.”
Under “Disease Control and Environmental Health Services Division, Survnet Grant”, delete footnote designation “(T)” from one position of “Office Assistant III (A)(T)(P)” and amend the footnote to read as follows:
“(T) To expire 07/31/18 unless the SURVNET ACA Grant available from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, is extended.”
Under “Empowering Families of Milwaukee Program”, delete one position of “Health Project Assistant - DAD (X)(E)(LL)” and delete one position of “Public Health Social Worker (X)(E)”.
Under “Men’s Health Program”, add footnote designation “(E)” to one position of “Men’s Health Manager (X)(Y)” and amend the footnote to read as follows:
“(E) To expire 09/30/18 unless the Family Foundations Comprehensive Home Visiting Grant is extended. Partially funds one Men’s Health Manager.”
Under “Laboratory Services Division”, delete footnote designation “(D)” from one position of “Laboratory Information Systems Specialist (D)” and amend the footnote to read as follows:
“(D) To expire 07/31/18 unless the Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity Grant is extended.”
Under “Office of Violence Pr...
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