An ordinance pertaining to the grade on various streets in the City of Milwaukee.
__________________________________________________________ - Analysis - An ordinance pertaining to the grade on various streets in the City of Milwaukee. __________________________________________________________
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
To establish and/or alter and establish the grade or elevation of the following streets, assuming as a base the level of the Milwaukee River as it was in the month of March, 1836 A.D. Said grade between the points mentioned is to be on a straight line drawn from point to point.
1. On the curbs on West Brown Street from North 17th Street to North 20th Street.
North Curb:
At the west line of North 17th Street - 97.90 At a point 270 feet west of the last named point - 96.50 At a point 60 feet west of the last named point - 96.20 At the east line of North 19th Street - 94.90 At the west line of North 19th Street - 95.20 At the east line of North 20th Street - 94.70
South Curb:
At the west line of North 17th Street - 98.10 At a point 130 feet west of the last named point - 97.25 At the east line of North 18th Street - 95.80 At the west line of North 18th Street - 95.90 At the east line of North 19th Street - 94.70 At the west line of North 19th Street - 94.80 At a point 107 feet west of the last named point - 95.20 At the east line of North 20th Street - 94.60
2. On the curbs on West Brown Street from North 35th Street to North 36th Street.
North Curb:
At the west line of North 35th Street - 139.00 At the east line of North 36th Street - 146.90
South Curb:
At the west line of North 35th Street - 138.10 At the east line of North 36th Street - 146.50
3. On the curbs on West Brown Street from North 36th Street to North 39th Street.
At the west line of North 36th Street - 147.30 At the eas...
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