Substitute 2
Substitute ordinance to further amend the 1999 offices and positions in the City Service under control of the Common Council.
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
Part 1. Section 1 of ordinance File Number 980575 relative to offices and positions in the City Service is hereby amended as follows:
Under "Department of Administration-Purchasing Division, Administrative Services", delete one position of "Systems Support Specialist-Senior" and add one position of "Network Coordinator-Associate."
Under "Department of Administration-Central Services Division, Milwaukee Information Systems", delete one position of "Technical Services Manager", one position of "Technical Systems Analyst" and one position of "Systems Lead Analyst" and add one position of "Information Systems Manager", one position of "Systems Analyst-Senior" and one position of "Systems Analyst-Project Leader"; under "Geographic Information Systems Support Team", delete one position of "GIS Manager", one position of "Systems Project Leader", one position of "Systems Analyst-Sr." and two positions of "Computer Programmer II" and add one position of "Geographic Information Systems Manager", one position of "Systems Analyst-Project Leader", one position of "Systems Analyst-Specialist" and two positions of "Programmer II"; under "Professional and Technical Services Support Team", delete one position of "Data Base Administrator", four positions of "Systems Analyst-Lead", one position of "Technical Systems Analyst", one position of "Microcomputer Specialist-Senior" and two positions of "Computer Programmer II" and add one position of "Systems Analyst Manager", four positions of "Systems Analyst-Project Leader", two positions of "Systems Analyst-Senior" and two positions of "Programmer II"; under "City Care/Network Support Team", delete one position of "Technical Systems Supe...
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