The Chair
Resolution authorizing the City of Milwaukee to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District for the purposes of establishing the maintenance responsibilities of the two parties with respect to the upper and lower retaining walls along reconstructed Congress Avenue and the bridges located over Lincoln Creek at 37th and Congress and North Sherman Boulevard and Congress.
This resolution authorizes the Commissioner of Public Works to execute a Memorandum of Understanding for the purposes of establishing the maintenance responsibilities of the two parties with respect to the upper and lower retaining walls along reconstructed Congress Avenue and the bridges located over Lincoln Creek at 37th and Congress and North Sherman Boulevard and Congress.
Whereas, Lincoln Creek, which is tributary to the Milwaukee River and which floods within the corporate boundary of the City, had been divided by the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District into 10 discrete reaches for purposes of projecting, planning, designing, and constructing needed improvements for the watercourse; and
Whereas, The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District had determined that in Reach 4 of Lincoln Creek, the City owned reconstructed West Congress Streets, including the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District owned upper and lower retaining wall on both sides of Lincoln Creek between North Sherman Boulevard and North 35th Street, along with the City owned bridge structures over Lincoln Creek at North 37th Street and at North Sherman Boulevard, hereafter referred to as “North 37th Street” and “North Sherman Boulevard” require periodic maintenance; and
Whereas, The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District will maintain the upper and lower retaining walls on both sides of Lincoln Creek between North Sherman Boulevard and North 35th along with the form and function of the low flow...
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