Resolution authorizing the lease of a portion of the land at Milwaukee Fire Station 5, located at 1313 West Reservoir Avenue, to Andre Lee Ellis and Company, Inc. for community garden youth program use, in the 15th Aldermanic District.
This resolution authorizes a five-year lease, with a potential for one five-year extension, on a portion of the land at Milwaukee Fire Station 5 to Andre Lee Ellis and Company, Inc., for their community garden youth program, according to the conditions in a Land Disposition Report.
Whereas, The City of Milwaukee owns the property located at 1313 West Reservoir Avenue, Milwaukee Fire Station 5; and
Whereas, Andre Lee Ellis and Company, Inc. has been managing successful community gardens for youth participants in Milwaukee for over 12 years, and has been managing this garden at the 1313 West Reservoir Avenue location for the last three years; and
Whereas, Andre Lee Ellis and Company, Inc. has approached the Department of City Development (“DCD”) and the Milwaukee Fire Department (“MFD”) requesting a long-term lease for the land for the continuation of their community garden youth program; and
Whereas, DCD and MFD recommend a five-year lease of the western portion of 1313 West Reservoir Avenue to Andre Lee Ellis and Company, Inc., with a potential for an additional five-year extension, as summarized in a Land Disposition Report (“LDR”) and a Due Diligence Checklist (“DDC”), copies of which are attached to this Common Council File; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the LDR and DDC are approved and that DCD is authorized to enter into a lease agreement with Andre Lee Ellis & Company, Inc., materially consistent with the LDR and then convey the property in accordance therewith; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Commissioner of DCD, or designee, as well as the Milwaukee Fire Chief, or de...
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