The Chair
Substitute resolution authorizing funding for the City of Milwaukee's 1998 consolidated community development entitlement program for non-NSP areas and various (Round Two) Outputs from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
This resolution authorizes the Community Block Grant Administration to execute and implement contracts for activity consistent with the approved outputs in the 1998 Annual Action Plan.
Whereas, CCFN 970385 authorized the submission of a revised Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan for 1998 consolidated community development entitlement funding; and
Whereas, CCFN 970937 authorized the allocation of community development entitlement funding for 1998; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, by the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, That these funds are appropriated to Community Block Grant Administration which is authorized to:
1. Expend from the amount appropriated sums for specified purposes as indicated in the grant budget and incur costs consistent with the award date;
2. Enter into cooperation agreements and subrecipient contracts as detailed in the grant budget; and be it
Further Resolved, That the Community Block Grant Administration is responsible for awarding cooperation agreements and subrecipient contracts for each of the 1998 approved outputs hereby authorized as follows:
Project / Service Provider CDBG HOME
Output 04-3C 40,000 League of Martin, Inc. Output 04-6A 21,376 Keep Greater Milwaukee Beautiful, Inc. Output 11-1D 30,000 Dr. Howard Fuller Educational Foundation Output 11-1G 25,000 Westside Academy - Milwaukee Public Schools Output 05-5A 80,000 West North Avenue Business Association
Washington Heights East - Housing NIDC for TIN 42,000 142,000
Kaul Avenue - Anti-crime: DPW for Tot Lot 50,000 Select Milwaukee for Neighborhood Marketing Strategy 15,000 Silver Spring Neighborhood Ce...
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