Resolution approving the signing of a License Agreement for a Fresh Coast Protection Partnership project funded by Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District on the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee property at 1255 North 22nd Street, in the 4th Aldermanic District.
This resolution authorizes the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee to sign a License Agreement allowing the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District’s Fresh Coast Protection Partnership team access to the Lynden Hill park site at 1255 North 22nd Street for the construction and maintenance of green infrastructure on the property.
Whereas, The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (“MMSD”) has a program called the Fresh Coast Protection Partnership (“FCPP”) to fund the design and installation of Green Infrastructure (“GI”) in order to provide stormwater capture and infiltration, reduce stormwater pollution, and reduce the volume of stormwater that enters the sanitary sewer on public and private properties across the MMSD service area; and
Whereas, This program provides the opportunity to have GI installed at Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee-owned (“RACM”) properties at no cost to RACM; and
Whereas, This program currently pays for two years of operation and maintenance upon completion of GI installation, after which the property owner assumes operation and maintenance responsibilities; and
Whereas, As part of this program, a property owner must sign an 11-year Limited Term Conservation Easement designed to preserve the GI installed on the site; and
Whereas, RACM has identified the Lynden Hill park site, at 1255 North 22nd Street as a viable location for a FCPP project; and
Whereas, RACM has been coordinating with the Department of Public Works (“DPW”)/MKE Parks about the potential to in the future convert the Lynden Hill site into a MKE Parks site that would be co...
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