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File #: 241664    Version:
Type: Ordinance Status: In Committee
File created: 2/11/2025 In control: PUBLIC SAFETY AND HEALTH COMMITTEE
On agenda: Final action:
Effective date:    
Title: A substitute ordinance relating to common council approval for any appointee to the position of office of community wellness and safety director.
Sponsors: ALD. MOORE
A substitute ordinance relating to common council approval for any appointee to the position of office of community wellness and safety director.
310-5.5 rc
This ordinance codifies the office of community wellness and safety as a part of the department of administration. The ordinance further provides for a community wellness and safety director appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the common council. Finally, the ordinance requires 2 annual reports on the activities of the office of community wellness and safety to be provided to the common council by the community wellness and safety director.
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:

Section 310-5.5 of the code is repealed and recreated to read:

310-5.5. Office of Community Wellness and Safety. 1. CREATION AND DIRECTOR. There is created an office of community wellness and safety in the department of administration which shall be responsible for the administration, coordination and implementation of the city's community wellness and safety programs. Under the direction of the department of administration, the office of community wellness and safety shall be administered by a community wellness and safety director. The community wellness and safety director shall be appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the common council.
2. SAFETY REPORTS. The community wellness and safety director shall provide a report every 6 months at the middle and end of each calendar year of the office of community wellness and safety’s impact on violence in the city to the mayor and the common council and report more frequently as the mayor or the common council may find proper. Each report shall include:
a. The office of community wellness and safety’s programs and services.
b. The status of violence-related health issues, including trends over the preceding 5 years and emerging issues...

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