Resolution authorizing the Commissioner of Public Works to execute agreements with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for the exchange of jurisdiction for six signalized intersections along West Appleton Avenue in the City of Milwaukee.
Resolution authorizing the Commissioner of Public Works to execute agreements with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for the exchange of jurisdiction for six signalized intersections along West Appleton Avenue (STH 175) in the City of Milwaukee. Wisconsin Department of Transportation is requesting ownership, operation, and maintenance responsibilities for the six signalized intersections along with relevant lighting, signage, and markings along the state trunk highway portion of West Appleton Avenue (STH 175) for the purpose of controlling the flow of traffic in coordination with their upcoming Surface Transportation Program project.
Whereas, Section 86.32(1), Wisconsin Statutes enables the State to designate or rescind the designation of certain marked routes of the state trunk highway system over the streets or highways in any municipality for which the municipality will be responsible for maintenance and traffic control; and
Whereas, The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) has requested the transfer of jurisdiction for six signalized intersections from the City of Milwaukee to WisDOT along West Appleton Avenue (STH 175); and,
Whereas, The six signalized intersections that have been requested for transfer from the City of Milwaukee to WISDOT are West Appleton Avenue (STH 175) at West Congress Street, West Hampton Avenue, West Grantosa Drive, North 91st Street, West Carmen Avenue, and West Florist Avenue/North 107th Street; and
Whereas; The jurisdiction of the six signalized intersections would be transferred from the City of Milwaukee to WISDOT upon completion of a staged paving and construction project that is currentl...
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