Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for various repairs at 1948 -1950 N. 2nd Street, in the Brewers Hill Historic District, for AJ Cihla.
1. Application, 2. Certificate of Appropriateness.pdf, 3. 1948-50 Exterior Rehab Pictures - smaller file.pdf, 4. IMG_5424.JPG, 5. IMG_5423.JPG, 6. IMG_5425.JPG, 7. IMG_5426.JPG, 8. IMG_5427.JPG, 9. IMG_5428.JPG, 10. IMG_5429.JPG, 11. IMG_5430.JPG, 12. IMG_5431.JPG, 13. IMG_5432.JPG, 14. IMG_5433.JPG, 15. IMG_5434.JPG, 16. IMG_5435.JPG, 17. IMG_5436.JPG