The Chair
Resolution authorizing the Commissioner of Public Works to execute an agreement with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for funding the replacement of street light equipment and traffic control signage on West Wisconsin Avenue from North 2nd Street to North 4th Street under the Federal Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality Program. (Infrastructure Services Division)
This resolution will authorize and direct the Commissioner of Public Works to execute an agreement with Wisconsin Department of Transportation for replacing the street lighting units and traffic control signage on West Wisconsin Avenue using Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality funds. The resolution also directs the City's Comptroller to create the necessary accounts to fund the City of Milwaukee's share for construction of this project.
Whereas, The City of Milwaukee has requested and received approval for a Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality (CMAQ) grant from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WISDOT) to undertake streetscape and pedestrian improvements on West Wisconsin Avenue from North 2nd Street to North 4th Street; and
Whereas, The improvements to the street lighting and traffic control signage are eligible for CMAQ funds; and
Whereas, WISDOT has indicated that funding assistance for 80% of the estimated costs is available; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the Commissioner of Public Works (CPW) is hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with WISDOT pertaining to the cost participation for replacement of street lighting units and traffic signage in conjunction with the improvements of aforementioned projects, a copy of which is attached to Common Council File Number 030467, and is incorporated in this resolution by reference as though set forth in full; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the CPW is here...
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