Resolution determining it necessary to make various nonassessable public improvements at various locations. (Infrastructure Services Division)
This resolution authorizes engineering studies on projects which by City Charter are nonassessable. After design plans and estimates of costs have been prepared, a resolution authorizing construction will be submitted to the Common Council.
Whereas, For projects WT410041086, WT410041087, WT410041088, and WT410041089 a maximum of ten percent of the participating project cost is non-reimbursable and is included in the Division's 2003 Nonassessable Water Fund; and
Whereas, A minimum of ninety percent of the participating project cost is reimbursable from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, and should be earmarked for this project in the 2003 Capitol Grant and Aid Projects Account, Project /Grant Number SP03203100; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that it is necessary and in the public interest to do the following described improvements according to City specifications:
4th Aldermanic District
W. Clybourn St. - N. 13th St. to N. 18th St. (WT410041086): Relaying water main. Abandoning and altering water main. (Nonassessable Water Fund -- $5,000)
W. Tory Hill - N. 10th St. to N. 11th St. (WT410041088): Relaying water main. (Nonassessable Water Fund -- $5,000)
N. 11th St. - W. Tory Hill to Water Easement 296 (Vacated W. Michigan St.) (WT410041089): Relaying water main. (Nonassessable Water Fund -- $5,000)
N. 13th St. (Vacated) - W. Clybourn St. to 200 feet m/l north of W. Clybourn St. (WT410041087): Relaying water main. (Nonassessable Water Fund -- $5,000)
N. 28th St. - W. Vliet St. to W. Cherry St. (WT410041085): Relaying water main. (Nonassessable Water Fund -- $10,000)
6th Aldermanic District
Alley bounded by W. Cherry St., N. Dr. Martin Luther Kin...
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