Substitute 3
A substitute ordinance relating to restructuring and combining licenses for professional and street photographers, and public dance hall and shows and exhibitions, and repealing licenses for roller skate rentals on public premises and tag day permits.
81-39 rp
81-93 rc
81-94 rp
81-101.2 cr
81-103 rp
81-106 rp
81-118 rp
84-33 rc
84-34 rp
84-40 rp
84-41 rp
85-13-7 cr
108 rc
116-6 rp
This ordinance:
1. Combines the current licenses for professional photographers and street photographers.
2. Repeals provisions relating to a public dance license and a shows and exhibitions license; and creates a new public entertainment club license.
3. Repeals provisions relating to a temporary shows and exhibitions license, and creates a temporary public entertainment license in lieu thereof.
4. Repeals licenses for roller skate rentals on public premises and tag day permits.
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
Part 1. Section 81-39 of the code is repealed.
Part 2. Section 81-93 of the code is recreated to read:
81-93. Photographer’s License, Professional.
1. Each professional photographer’s license shall be issued for a one-year period commencing on the date of the granting of the license.
2. a. The license fee for each separate place of business operated in connection with the occupation of professional photographer shall be $100.
b. The fee for a license transferred from one premises to another shall be $20.
3. The fee for a professional photographer’s license for conducting business on city streets or highways shall be $100.
Part 3. Section 81-94 of the code is repealed.
Part 4. Section 81-101.2 of the code is created to read:
81-101.2. Public Entertainment License.
1. REGULAR LICENSE. a. Each public entertainment license shall be issued for a one-year period commencing on the date of the granting of the li...
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