Resolution rescinding Common Council File Number 231209 relating to the claim of Mary Whalen and Phillip Chavez, and approving payment for the claim.
Whereas, Due to a clerical error, there was a significant discrepancy between the terms of Common Council File Number 231209, authorizing payment for the claim of Mary Whalen and Phillip Chavez, as recommended for adoption by the Judiciary and Legislation Committee on January 13, 2025, versus the terms of the file presented to the Common Council purporting to the recommendations of the committee; and
Whereas, Members of the Judiciary and Legislation Committee have reviewed the records relating to the claims of Mary Whalen and Phillip Chavez, relating to damaged sustained when a city tree fell on their property in 2022. Based on this review, members of the Committee, despite the recommendation of the City Attorney, recommended the claimant be reimbursed $22,446.16 in payment of this claim; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that Common Council File Number 231209, adopted by the Common Council on January 21, 2025, is rescinded and no city check shall be issued in relation to that file.
Further Resolved, That the proper city officers are directed to issue a city check in the amount of $22,446.16 payable to Mary Whalen and Phillip Chavez, 3401 S. Delaware, Milwaukee, WI, 53207, to reimburse them for their loss; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the check is to be delivered upon presentation of a proper release, approved by the City Attorney releasing the City from any further liability arising from this incident; the amount to be charged to Account No. 636506, Fund - 0001, Organization - 1490, Program - 2631, Sub Class - S118, Budget Year 2025.
Joanna Urtiz
Common Council - City Clerk