An ordinance relating to definitions of prereserved group transport and shuttle vehicles.
100-3-20 am
100-3-23 am
This ordinance clarifies the definitions of “prereserved group” and “shuttle service” to assure that a vehicle operating as a shuttle vehicle for a prereserved group must have at least 5 passengers at the point of origin or the point of destination. This clarification prohibits operation of a shuttle vehicle in a manner, similar to a taxicab, where individual or small numbers of passengers are picked up at a major point of passenger travel generation such as an airport or intermodal station and conveyed to homes or similar destinations.
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
Part 1. Section 100-3-20 and 3 of the code is amended to read:
100-3. Definitions.
20. PRERESERVED GROUP means any affiliated group of 5 or more passengers hiring a public passenger vehicle >>solely on a pre-arranged basis<< for transport from a >>common<< point of origin >>or<< to >>a<< [[fixed destination]]>>common point of destination. A pre-reserved group shall have a total of no fewer than 5 passengers at either the point of origin or the point of destination of the trip.<<
23. SHUTTLE VEHICLE means a privately owned vehicle which is solely engaged in the business of carrying passengers >>for hire<< in either [[a]]>>of the following<<:
a. [[Shared ride]]>>Ride sharing<< service [[for hire]]>>operating<< on a [[fixed route and]] fixed schedule [[to and from]]>>along a fixed route where the points of origin and destination and points of any stops are<< predetermined locations[[; or]]>>.<<
b. Group travel service [[for hire]]>>transporting a prereserved group<<[[on a pre-reserved basis only]], provided that the vehicle has a passenger-carrying capacity of 5 or more persons, excluding the driver. “Passenger-carrying capacity” is th...
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