Substitute 1
A substitute ordinance relating to traffic controls in various Aldermanic Districts.
This ordinance establishes the above-mentioned traffic requirements in various parts of the City.
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
Part 1. Section 101-13-8 of the Code relating to School Speed Limit 20 MPH is amended by adding the following:
On South Howell Avenue from East Holt Avenue to East Burdick Avenue
On West Fond du Lac Avenue from West Silver Spring Drive to North 86th Street
Part 2. Section 101-15 of the Code relating to Yield Signs is amended by striking the following:
"On North 28th Street at West Vine Street"
"On North 65th Street at West Bobolink Avenue"
Part 3. Section 10-16-1 of the Code relating to Stop signs is amended by striking the following:
"On West Nash Street at North 21st Street"
Part 4. Section 101-16-1 of the Code relating to Stop signs is amended by adding the following:
On North 28th Street at West Vine Street
On North 65th Street at West Bobolink Avenue
At West Nash Street and North 21st Street in all directions
At West Scott Street and South 9th Street in all directions
On East Fernwood Avenue at South Delaware Avenue
On West Hope Avenue at North 80th Street
Part 5. Section 101-18-1 of the Code relating to No Heavy Traffic is amended by adding the following:
On North 114th Street at West Mill Road northbound
Part 6. Section 101-21.5 of the Code relating to Designation and Marking of Bicycle Lane is amended by adding the following:
On East/West Center Street from North Humboldt Boulevard to North Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive
On East Kenwood Boulevard from North Oakland Avenue to North Downer Avenue
Department of Public Works
Infrastructure Services