Resolution relative to application, acceptance and funding of a Great Lakes Shoreline Cities Green Infrastructure grant from the US Environmental Protection Agency totaling $1,000,000 for green infrastructure projects.
This resolution authorizes the Department of Public Works - Infrastructure Services Division to accept and fund green infrastructure projects in the amount of $3,120,000 with a city share of $2,120,000 and a grantor share of $1,000,000. The purpose of the green infrastructure projects are to reduce the amount of untreated stormwater runoff discharged into the Kinnnickinnic, Menomonee & Milwaukee Rivers that flow to the Milwaukee Estuary Area of Concern and into Lake Michigan.
Whereas, The City of Milwaukee appears to be eligible for grant funds from US Environmental Protection Agency not to exceed $1,000,000; and
Whereas, The green infrastructure projects proposed include installation of approximately 28,865 ft2 of porous pavement as green alleys, porous sidewalks and a stormwater parking lot to capture over 500,000 gallons of stormwater runoff; and
Whereas, The operation of this grant is effective from 3/1/2014 - 2/28/2015. The estimated project cost is $3,120,000 of which $1,000,000 is funded by the US Environmental Protection Agency; and
Whereas, Department of Public Works - Infrastructure Services will commit funds for the partial cost of the green infrastructure projects per the project list included in the grant narrative on Page 12; The total cost to the City for these projects amount to $2,120,000; now therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to accept the US Environmental Protection grant without further Common Council approval unless the terms of the grant change as indicated in Common Council File 030712 (Grant Ordinance); and, be it
Further Resolv...
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