A substitute ordinance relating to vermin and rodent control.
200-24-3.5 cr
This ordinance requires that the premises of any excavation site be inspected by the department of neighborhood services for vermin and rodent infestation prior to excavation. The premises shall be reinspected, as needed until all evidence of infestation is eliminated, and no excavation shall be permitted until department inspection confirms the absence of infestation. The department of neighborhood services shall also inspect after excavation and landscaping are completed, and shall reinspect the premises as needed, until all evidence of infestation is eliminated.
A reinspection fee may be charged for any department neighborhood services reinspection required.
Furthermore, the ordinance requires the permit holder, or the property owner, to take appropriate steps to eliminate any infestation discovered in each inspection. The permit holder, or the property owner, shall further take appropriate steps during excavation, and upon completion of excavation and landscaping, to prevent infestation and control vermin and rodent spread.
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
Part 1. Section 200-24-3.5 of the code is created to read:
200-24. Permits Required.
3.5. EXCAVATION. a. For every permit issued to any person to commence any excavation, the department of neighborhood services shall cause the premises to be inspected for evidence of vermin and rodent infestation prior to any excavation, and shall reinspect the premises as needed, until all evidence of infestation is eliminated. No excavation shall be commenced until department inspection confirms the absence of infestation. The department shall again inspect the premises for infestation after excavation and landscaping are completed, and shall reinspect as needed, until all evidence of infest...
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