Substitute 1
A substitute ordinance relating to parking controls.
This ordinance establishes the above-mentioned parking requirements in various parts of the
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
Part 1. Section 101-23-2 of the Code relating to No Stopping is amended by adding the following:
On the south side of West Forest Home Avenue from South 32nd Street to a point 60 feet west
Part 2. Section 101-23-3 of the Code relating to No Parking is amended by striking the following:
“On the west side of North Arlington Place from a point 230 feet south of the south curb line of East Brady Street to a point 95 feet further south thereof, at any time”
“On the west side of North Arlington Place from East Brady Street to North Warren Avenue”
“On the south side of West Cameron Avenue from a point 120 feet west of the west curb line of North 31st Street to a point 50 feet further west thereof at any time”
Part 3. Section 101-23-3 of the Code relating to No Parking is amended by adding the following:
On the south side of West Canal Street from a point 88 feet east of South Emmber Lane to a point 110 feet east thereof
On the west side of North Maryland Avenue from North Farwell Avenue to a point 135 feet north
Part 4. Section 101-23-6 of the Code relating to Angle Parking is amended by striking the following:
“On the east side of North Arlington Place from East Brady Street to North Warren Avenue”
DPW - Infrastructure
Joseph C. Blakeman:C. Murphy
March 27, 2019