A substitute ordinance clarifying and updating provisions of the code relating to discrimination in housing, employment, and the provision of services or charges for services of certain city licensees.
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109-11-3 am
This ordinance prohibits discrimination by certain licensees and employers based upon the past or present membership of an individual in the armed services and extends the prohibitions of the code against housing discrimination to discrimination based upon past or present membership in the military service.
The ordinance provides protections against discrimination on the basis of a person’s gender identity or expression, and defines the term, “gender identity or expression,” to mean a gender-related identity, appearance, expression or behavior of an individual, regardless of the individual’s assigned sex at birth.
The ordinance prohibits discrimination against persons because they are affiliated with, or perceived to be affiliated with, an otherwise protected individual.
The ordinance eliminates the exclusion of city employes from the protections of the housing and employment discrimination chapter of the code.
Whereas, The protections afforded to members of the military service to be free from discrimination in accommodations and services provided by businesses licensed by the city should rightly apply to past as well as present members of the military service; and
Whereas, Protections afforded to individuals to be free of discrimination on the basis of sex and sexual orientation have been complemented and extended by jurisdictions across the nation to assure that persons who are transge...
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