Substitute 1
Substitute resolution approving construction of nonassessable public improvements at various locations and appropriating funds for these purposes with the City construction cost estimated to be $991,500 for a total estimated cost of these projects being $1,592,350.
This resolution directs the installation and construction of certain public improvements which have been determined to be nonassessable by the Commissioner of Public Works. The City cost of the projects approved by this resolution is estimated to be $991,500. The total estimated cost of these projects is $1, 592,350.
Whereas, The Common Council of the City of Milwaukee adopted preliminary resolutions determining it necessary and in the public interest to construct nonassessable improvements; and
Whereas, Plans, specifications and cost estimates have been prepared for the following described improvements:
4th Aldermanic District
N. 33rd St. at W. State St. (ST211170216) File Number 170857: Intersection improvements. Replace curb and gutter, sidewalk, pavement where necessary, sodding, and grading. (Nonassessable Reconstruction Paving Fund -- $45,000). The total estimated cost for this project including the requested amount is $50,000. This project is anticipated to be completed during the 2017 construction season.
6th Aldermanic District
E. North Ave. at N. Palmer St. and at N. Buffum St. (ST211170194) File Number 170480: Install traffic calming devices - curb push outs. (Nonassessable Reconstruction Paving Fund -- $30,000, Additional Funds). The total estimated cost for this project including the requested amount is $95,000. This project is anticipated to be completed during the 2017 construction season.
7th Aldermanic District
N. Concordia Ave. - N. 24th Pl. to N. 25th St. (SM495160094) File Number 161295:
Relaying combined sewer. (Nonassessable Sewer Maintenance Relay Fund -- $68,0...
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