Resolution relating to lead drinking water service line replacements.
This resolution directs the Department of Public Works and the Health Department to convene a work group to set replacement priorities and formulate long-term strategies to replace all lead drinking water service lines in the Milwaukee Water Works’ distribution system.
The resolution further directs the committee to report replacement strategies formulated and make recommendations to the Common Council quarterly.
Whereas, Lead drinking water service lines pose a threat to the health of City residents and should be replaced; and
Whereas, Replacing all the lead service lines in the Milwaukee Water Works’ drinking water distribution system is a complex undertaking with no evident funding source; and
Whereas, Both health and utility priorities must be carefully considered in any plan to replace Milwaukee Water Works’ lead drinking water service lines; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the Department of Public Works and the Health Department are directed to convene a work group to set replacement priorities and formulate long-term strategies to replace all lead drinking water service lines in the Milwaukee Water Works’ distribution system; and, be it
Further Resolved, That this committee is directed report its findings and recommendations to the Common Council quarterly, with the first report submitted not later than March 31, 2019.
LRB #172876 - 2
Aaron Cadle
November 29, 2018