Resolution authorizing the transfer of funds from Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District to the Autumn West Affordable Rental Housing project funding from Community Development Block Grant Supplemental Disaster Allocation Emergency Assistance Program from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development through the State of Wisconsin.
The resolution authorizes the transfer of $300,000 from Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) Kinnickinnic River project renter-occupied housing activity to the Autumn West project. The MMSD remaining balance of funding for the renter-occupied activity in the amount of $1,594,000 will be transferred to the MMDS activity of Acquisition, Demolition and Relocation.
Whereas, The Common Council of the City of Milwaukee has previously approved the award to MMSD for Community Development Block Grant Supplemental Disaster Allocation Emergency Assistance Program funding award under file number 100553 for the activity of renter-occupied housing in the amount of $1,894,000; and
Whereas, The MMSD has notified CDGA of their request to move the amount $1,594,000 from the activity of renter-occupied housing to the activity of Acquisition, Demolition and Relocation for the Kinnickinnic River project; and
Whereas, The MMSD also indicated that they will be unable to utilize remaining $300,000 awarded to the renter-occupied housing activity, and
Whereas, The CDGA recommends the transfer of the available $300,000 to the CDBG-EAP Autumn West Affordable Rental Housing project; now therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the CDBG-EAP funds are reallocated as stated above; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Community Development Grants Administration is responsible for awarding subrecipient contracts for these organizations; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the subrecipient organization shall submit...
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