Substitute resolution approving Grant/Cooperation Agreement with the Milwaukee Board of School Directors for Police Services.
This resolution approves a cooperation agreement between the City and the Milwaukee Board of School Directors (“Board”) for the provision of specified law enforcement services to the Board under the agreement. The Chief of Police (“Chief”) has agreed to assign fully marked police squads with two on-duty officers to patrol certain schools. The squads will patrol the school areas between 3:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. each school day. The Board will reimburse the City for such services at the actual overtime rate of the officers providing the services. The total payments to the City from the Board shall not exceed $60,000 for the term of the agreement, which extends from 9/6/06 to 6/21/07. Acceptance of this grant for police services from the Board, which is a tax exempt public entity, is consistent with the Common Council policy on accepting grants for additional police services as embodied in Common Council Resolution File Nos. 011573, 021317 and 040746.
Whereas, The Milwaukee Board of School Directors (“Board”) and the City of Milwaukee (“City”) both qualify as “municipalities” authorized to enter into contracts for the receipt or furnishing of services pursuant to Wisconsin Statute § 66.0301; and
Whereas, The Board has determined that non-students have been creating disturbances by confronting students, staff and others associated with certain schools while the latter are leaving the schools and in the vicinity of the schools; and
Whereas, The Board acting pursuant to section 66.0301 has requested the City Police Department (“MPD”) to provide patrol services more precisely defined herein to these schools between 3:00 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. on each school day; and
Whereas, The Milwaukee Chief of Police has agreed to specially a...
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