Substitute 1
A substitute ordinance relating to parking controls.
This ordinance establishes the above-mentioned parking requirements in various
parts of the City.
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
Part 1. Section 101-23-2 of the Code relating to No Stopping is amended by adding the following:
On the south side of East Russell Avenue from South Quincy Avenue to South Taylor Avenue on school days from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Part 2. Section 101-23-3 of the Code relating to No Parking is amended by striking the following:
“On the east side of South Delaware Avenue from the north curb line of East Oklahoma Avenue to a point 115 feet further north thereof at anytime”
“On the east side of South Delaware Avenue from a point 80 feet north of the north curb line of East Oklahoma Avenue to a point 25 feet further north thereof at anytime”
“On South Delaware Avenue from a point 95 feet north of intersection of South Delaware and South New York Avenues (west side of street) to said intersection.”
“On the west side of South New York Avenue from the south line of South Delaware Avenue to the north line of East Oklahoma Avenue at anytime”
“On the east side of North Pulaski Street between East Kane and North Arlington Places, at any time”
Part 3. Section 101-23-3 of the Code relating to No Parking is amended by adding the following:
On the west side of South New York Avenue from a point 65 feet north of East Oklahoma Avenue to a point 90 feet north thereof
On the east side of North Pulaski Street from East Kane Place to a point 155 feet south
On the east side of North Pulaski Street from to a point 300 feet south of East Kane Place to North Arlington Place
On the west side of North Pulaski Street from a point 125 feet south of East Kane Place to a point 195 feet south thereof
On the north side of West Wells Street from a point 140 feet east of ...
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