The Chair
Substitute resolution authorizing expenditures of $145,000 for the months of July through December relative to the Milwaukee AIDS Initiative.
This resolution authorizes expenditures from a special purpose account relative to the Milwaukee AIDS Initiative.
Whereas, The 1997 City of Milwaukee budget includes an AIDS initiative special purpose account of $240,000; and
Whereas, Common Council File Number 961582 approved the expenditure of $95,000 for the months of January through June; and $145,000 remains to be expended through December, 1997; and
Whereas, The 1997 City of Milwaukee budget includes a footnote expressing the intent of the Common Council that no expenditures be made from the AIDS initiative special purpose account (Account Number 01-076-8001) until the following has been done:
1. An expenditure plan is submitted to the Common Council for the following agencies and amounts: AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin ($25,000); Milwaukee Indian Health Board ($20,000); STD Specialities ($25,000): United Migrant Opportunities Services ($25,000); YWCA ($9,000); Black Health Coalition ($15,000); Institute for Child and Family Development ($13,000) and Planned Parenthood ($13,000).
2. The expenditure plan details services to be provided and program evaluation criteria and the Health Department comments to the appropriate standing committee regarding the services and program evaluation plans.
3. The expenditure plan is approved by the Common Council.
; and
Whereas, The Health Department has furnished the Common Council with the required expenditure plan for the remaining six months of 1997 (July through December), including all specified information, and that expenditure plan is attached to this file; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the Common Council accepts and approves the six month ex...
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