Resolution approving the transfer of personnel and funding from the Buildings and Fleet Division to various operating divisions within the Department of Public Works. (Buildings & Fleet Division)
- Analysis -
This resolution provides for the transfer of truck drivers, equipment operators, special equipment operators, and driver workers from the Buildings and Fleet Division Operations Section to the Infrastructure Field Operations Section, the Forestry Nursery Section, and the Sanitation Field Operations Section. It also transfers the appropriate funds for the remainder of 1997 from the Buildings and Fleet Division to the respective operating divisions within the Department of Public Works.
Whereas, The Department of Public Works desires to transfer operator and driver positions from the Buildings and Fleet Division to the various other operating divisions within the Department of Public Works according to the attached plan; and
Whereas, The City Labor Negotiator has held the required impact bargaining sessions with the affected Labor Union Locals; and
Whereas, Position Ordinance changes and budgetary fund transfers are necessary to effectuate these transfers; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the Department of Public Works is authorized to proceed with the proposed transfers; and be it
Further Resolved, That the proper City officials are authorized and directed to take the necessary action to amend the 1997 offices and positions in the City Service under control of the Common Council; and be it
Further Resolved, That the proper City officials are authorized and directed to take the necessary action to transfer such sums as are necessary for the implementation of this plan from accounts within the Buildings and Fleet Division to the appropriate accounts within the operating divisions in the Departm...
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