230764, 241683, 241690
A substitute ordinance to further amend the 2025 rates of pay of offices and positions in the City Service.
This substitute ordinance changes the rates of pay in the following departments:
Fire Department, Health Department, Library, Department of Neighborhood Services, Police Department, Department of Public Works (All Divisions)
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
Part 1. Part 1, Section 8 of ordinance File Number 240764 relative to rates of pay of offices and positions in the City Service is hereby amended as follows (Effective Pay Period 6, 2025 - March 2, 2025):
Under Pay Range 8AN, Wage Rate, amend the maximum hourly wage rate to “29.14”, maximum biweekly wage rate to “2,330.80”, and maximum biweekly annual wage rate to “60,600.80”.
Under Pay Range 8BN, Wage Rate, amend the maximum hourly wage rate to “30.89”, maximum biweekly wage rate to “2,470.93”, and maximum biweekly annual wage rate to “64,244.18”.
Under Pay Range 8CN, Wage Rate, amend the maximum hourly wage rate to “31.32”, maximum biweekly wage rate to “2,505.81”, and maximum biweekly annual wage rate to “65,151.06”.
Under Pay Range 8DN, Wage Rate, amend the maximum hourly wage rate to “32.26”, maximum biweekly wage rate to “2,581.01”, and maximum biweekly annual wage rate to “67,106.26”.
Under Pay Range 8EN, Wage Rate, amend the maximum hourly wage rate to “34.65”, maximum biweekly wage rate to “2,772.16”, and maximum biweekly annual wage rate to “72,076.16”.
Under Pay Range 8FN, Wage Rate, amend the maximum hourly wage rate to “36.22”, maximum biweekly wage rate to “2,897.30”, and maximum biweekly annual wage rate to “75,329.80”.
Under Pay Range 8GN, Wage Rate, amend the maximum hourly wage rate to “37.86”, maximum biweekly wage rate to “3,028.68”, and maximum biweekly annual wage rate to “78,745.68”.
Under Pay Range 8HN, Wage ...
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