Resolution amending a special privilege for change of premises address and deletion of an item for the premises at 2820 West Grant Street, in the 8th Aldermanic District.
This resolution amends a special privilege for change of premises address and deletion of a platform with barrier-free access ramp and steps for the premises at 2820 West Grant Street.
Whereas, Lad Lake, Inc. requested permission to keep and maintain a tunnel and a platform with barrier-free access ramp and steps in the public right-of-way; and
Whereas, Permission for said items was granted under Common Council Resolution File Number 051521 in 2006; and
Whereas, Subsequently, Lad Lake, Inc. divided its property located on both the east and west sides of a north-south alley and known as 2169 South 28th Street, and sold a portion of said property to Wisconsin Corporation of Seventh-Day Adventists; and
Whereas, Adoption of Common Council Resolution File Number 071460 will change the owner of the platform with barrier-free access ramp and steps to Wisconsin Corporation of Seventh-Day Adventists; and
Whereas, Lad Lake, Inc. still owns and maintains the aforementioned tunnel and owns the property on the west end of the tunnel presently known as 2820 West Grant Street; and
Whereas, This resolution only revises the previously granted special privilege in terms of premises address and deletion of the platform with barrier-free access ramp and steps; and
Whereas, Revising the special privilege previously granted under Common Council Resolution File Number 051521 will allow for more efficient future maintenance of special privileges; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that Common Council Resolution File Number 051521 is hereby rescinded; and, be it
Further Resolved, That Lad Lake, Inc., PO Box 158, Dousman, Wisconsin 53118 is hereby granted the follo...
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