Substitute ordinance relating to the change in zoning from Downtown-Mixed Activity (C9G) and Downtown-Warehousing and Light Manufacturing (C9H) to Industrial Mixed (IM) and Industrial Light (IL2) for portions of the East end of the Menomonee Valley, generally South of the Menomonee River and East of the North-South Freeway (I-94), in the 12th Aldermanic District.
This substitute ordinance changes the zoning for the East end of the Menomonee Valley for the Tannery project and existing concrete manufacturing facilities in conjunction with the Downtown Zoning Code update.
Whereas, On October 18, 2005, the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee (“Council”) approved File No. 050622, being an ordinance creating a special district known as the “redevelopment district” (RED) where the use regulations and design standards shall be specified in the redevelopment plan for that district; and
Whereas, This clarifies that the Board of Zoning Appeals (“BOZA”) approves special uses and that the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee (“RACM”) and the Council approves a redevelopment plan amendment for dimensional variances and design standards, not considered to be minor, as determined by the Executive Director-Secretary of RACM or assigned designee, and for use variances; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows:
Part 1. There is added to the Milwaukee Code of Ordinances a new section to read as follows:
Section 295-801-2.0004. The zoning map is amended to change the zoning for the area described and bounded by the zoning line within the Menomonee River, the zoning line within the North-South I-94 Freeway, a line 425.06 feet South and parallel to the south line of the railroad right-of-way, a line 285.50 feet East and parallel to the east line of the North-South I-94 Freeway, a line 450.06 feet...
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