Resolution approving an increase to Purchase Order WRV12240 with Common Links Construction LLC (Brookfield, WI) for painting and wall coverings for Building 3.1 (Westlawn Renaissance V) at Westlawn Gardens Phase 2 in an amount not to exceed $13,310.00
Staff is recommending increasing the purchase order due to additional work needed beyond the original scope which emerged during the painting and wall covering work. It includes (A) touch-up patching, sanding, and painting at various locations; and (B) painting and touch-up associated with an added door and frame, yet to be installed. (A) has already been completed for $8,310.00. (B) has yet to be done, but an allowance of $5,000.00 is proposed for this work. The Modernization & Development Services Section requests an additional contract amount not to exceed $13,310.00 for the change order work described herein. The new purchase order amount of $262,910.00 not-to-exceed now exceeds the $250,000.00 threshold; therefore, approval by the Travaux Inc. Board of Directors is requested
WHEREAS, Travaux Inc. solicited competitive pricing for Painting and Wall Coverings for Building 3.1 (Westlawn Renaissance V) at Westlawn Gardens Phase 2 and awarded the work to Common Links Construction LLC, the lowest responsive and responsible bidder; and
WHEREAS, the original award amount of $249,600.00 was under the threshold of $250,000.00 above which approval by the Travaux Inc. Board of Directors is required and, therefore, said award was not presented for approval at the time; and
WHEREAS, during the course of the painting and wall covering, additional work beyond the original scope was required, resulting in change order items totaling $13,310.00 not-to-exceed; and
WHEREAS, the new purchase order amount of $262,910.00 not-to-exceed now exceeds the aforementioned $250,000 threshold, and, therefore, requires approval by the Travaux Inc. Board of...
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