Resolution authorizing expenditures for attendance at meetings of the National League of Cities’ Transportation Infrastructure Steering Committee.
Ald. Robert Bauman has been appointed a member of the National League of Cities’ Transportation Infrastructure Steering Committee by the National League of Cities (NLC) President Ronald O. Loveridge. This resolution authorizes Ald. Bauman to attend meetings and to travel on official NLC business related to his role as a member of the NLC’s Transportation Infrastructure Steering Committee, with funding for costs expended from the
City Clerk Office’s Other Operating Services Account.
Whereas, National League of Cities (NLC) President Ronald O. Loveridge has appointed Ald. Robert Bauman a member of the National League of Cities’ Transportation Infrastructure Steering Committee; and
Whereas, It is a significant honor for the City of Milwaukee to have a member of its Common Council selected for this important post in the national organization that represents the interests of cities throughout the nation; and
Whereas, Participation on the NLC’s Transportation Infrastructure Steering Committee will require the expenditure of funds for travel, lodging and related expenses; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the Common Council authorizes the participation of Ald. Robert Bauman as a member of the NLC’s Transportation Infrastructure Steering Committee; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the City Clerk is authorized to expend funds from the City Clerk Office’s Other Operating Services Account (Account Number 0001-1310-R999-636500)for travel, lodging and per diem expenses related to Ald. Bauman’s attendance and participation at meetings of the NLC’s Transportation Infrastructure Steering Committee and related official NLC business in his role as a member of this committee.
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