040565, 071407
Resolution approving the Riverworks Strategic Action Plan and amending the Northeast Side Area Comprehensive Plan, as an element of Milwaukee’s Overall Comprehensive Plan, in the 3rd, 4th and 6th Aldermanic Districts.
This resolution approves the Riverworks Strategic Action Plan and amends the Northeast Side Area Comprehensive Plan to include the Riverworks Strategic Action Plan, as part of the City’s Overall Comprehensive Plan, and directs City departments and agencies to work toward implementation of the Plan, as amended.
Whereas, A detailed action plan has been prepared, titled, “Riverworks Strategic Action Plan;” and
Whereas, Recent developments in the Riverworks Center area have demonstrated the need for a more in-depth analysis and comprehensive development strategy to further define the goals of the Northeast Side Area Comprehensive Plan, which was adopted by the Common Council via File No. 071407; and
Whereas, To address this need, a strategic action plan was created for the Riverworks Center area to: improve the Riverworks Center area as a whole; strengthen the industrial core; improve and intensify the Capitol Drive retail corridor; support creative uses within the district; and make Business Improvement District No. 36 a thriving neighborhood-oriented Main Street district; and
Whereas, The creation of the Riverworks Strategic Action Plan involved a market analysis conducted by UW-Milwaukee's Center for Economic Development, a report by the Applied Planning Workshop in the UW-Milwaukee School of Architecture and Urban Planning, extensive public outreach, input from Riverworks Business Improvement District Nos. 25 and 36, as well as input from a broad range of Riverworks Center stakeholders similar to the public process followed in the development of the City’s 13 area comprehensive plans; and
Whereas, On September 21, 2004, the Common Council ado...
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