A substitute ordinance relating to implementation of recommendations of the alcohol beverage licensing task force for filing written objections to license applications.
85-2-4 rn
85-2-4 cr
85-3-3 cr
A new definition of “objection” is created in ch. 85. Chapter 85 provides general license and permit procedures for matters that may be brought before the common council for oral presentation by the licensee or permittee. New provisions clarify that objections are to be in writing stating the basis for the objection and that the objector has personal knowledge of the information. An objection may be submitted to the city clerk in writing by mail, by electronic means, by telephone, or by delivery directly to the city clerk. An objection includes information received by telephone or orally by any city official, or the official’s delegate, which forwarded to the city clerk in the same manner as other objections.
To be considered for purposes of nonrenewal or in support of suspension of a license, the objection must be filed more than 45 days prior to the scheduling of a hearing on nonrenewal or suspension and must include a statement that the objector has personal knowledge of the identified ground or grounds for nonrenewal.
Part 1. Section 85-2-4 of the code is renumbered 85-2-5.
Part 2. Section 85-2-4 of the code is created to read:
85-2. Definitions.
4. OBJECTION means a written statement submitted by an interested party to the city clerk that includes information personally known to the objector that could form the basis for nonrenewal or suspension of a license or permit as provided in s. 85-4-4, or as expressly provided elsewhere in this code for a license or permit as a basis for denying renewal or suspension of the license.
Part 3. Section 85-3- 3 of the code is created to read:
85-3. Notice and Service.
3. OBJECTIONS. a. How M...
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