Substitute 2
A substitute ordinance relating to traffic controls in various Aldermanic Districts.
This ordinance establishes the above-mentioned traffic requirements in various parts
of the City.
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
Part 1. Section 101-7-2 of the Code relating to Designation of Non-intersection Crosswalk is amended by striking the following:
“On West State Street from the east curb line of North 33rd Street to a point approximately 330 feet east thereof”
“On West Hopkins Street at vacated West Nash Street”
Part 2. Section 101-9-1 of the Code relating to No Pedestrian Crossing is amended by adding the following:
West crosswalk at West Wisconsin Avenue and North 10th Street
East crosswalk at West Wisconsin Avenue and North 11th Street
Part 3. Section 101-11-1 of the Code relating to No Left Turns is amended by striking the following:
“On East Wisconsin Avenue and North Water Street for northbound and southbound traffic when No Left Turn is displayed”
Part 4. Section 101-11-1 of the Code relating to No Left Turns is amended by adding the following:
On North Water Street and East Wisconsin Avenue from 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM Monday through Friday
Part 5. Section 101-16-1 of the Code relating to Stop signs is amended by adding the following:
On North 1st Street at West Nash Street
On North 2nd Lane at West Nash Street
On South 30th Street at West Harrison Avenue
On West Congress Street and North 64th Street in all directions
On West Congress Street and North 72nd Street in all directions
On West Potawatomi Circle and West Potawatomi Circle (old South 16th Street) in all directions
On West Mitchell Street and South 29th Street in all directions
Part 6. Section 101-22-1 of the Code relating to One Way Streets is amended by striking the following:
“On North 32nd Street from West Center Stree...
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