Resolution dissolving Tax Incremental District Nos. 25 (Calumet Woods Business Park), 32 (King Drive) and 36 (Granville Park) and authorizing the City Treasurer to distribute excess incremental revenue to overlying taxing districts.
This resolution dissolves the above three districts because their Project Plans have been implemented, all costs have been incurred and they have generated sufficient revenue to retire all project costs including indebtedness outstanding for the respective districts. The combined incremental property value in these three districts, as of 2006, was $65,790,800, per the Wisconsin Department of Revenue. Upon dissolution of these districts, the above tax base will become available for general levy purposes.
Whereas, The City of Milwaukee (“City”) created the following Tax Incremental Districts (“TIDs”) with the adoption of resolutions on the following dates:
TID No. 25 - resolution adopted June 28, 1994
TID No. 32 - resolution adopted September 24, 1996
TID No. 36 - resolution adopted April 7, 1998
; and
Whereas, All of the projects in the above districts were completed in the prescribed allowed timeframe; and
Whereas, Sufficient incremental revenue has been collected for each district, as of the 2006 tax levy, to cover project costs for TID Nos. 25, 32 and 36 and to escrow funds to cover each district’s remaining outstanding debt; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that Tax Incremental District Nos. 25, 32 and 36 are hereby dissolved; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the City Clerk shall notify the Wisconsin Department of Revenue within 60 days of adoption of this resolution, or prior to the deadline of May 15, 2007, whichever comes first, that the above districts have been terminated; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the City Clerk shall sign the required Wisconsin Department of Revenue final...
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