A substitute ordinance relating to authorization of purchases of Milwaukee-made, Milwaukee county-made and American-made goods.
310-18.9 (note) rp
This ordinance places a cap of $25,000 on the amount of the bid preference allowed for the purchases of Milwaukee-made, Milwaukee county-made and American-made goods. The value of this cap shall be increased 1% annually by the city clerk on March 1 of each year. This ordinance also repeals the note appended to the code section relating to purchases of Milwaukee-made, Milwaukee county-made and American-made goods that provides a sunset date of July 1, 2014, making this code section permanent.
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
Part 1. Section 310-18.9-2 to 4 of the code is amended to read:
310-18.9. Purchase of Milwaukee-Made, Milwaukee County-Made and American-Made Goods.
2. MILWAUKEE-MADE GOODS. The city purchasing director and any contracting agency of the city shall, unless contrary to federal, state or local law, trade agreement or other regulations, purchase Milwaukee-made goods for purchases subject to formal competitive bidding, except for vehicles purchased under s. 310-18.3. Contracts shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder proposing to supply Milwaukee-made goods provided that the bid does not exceed the lowest bid by more than 12% >>or $25,000, which shall be increased by 1% annually by the city clerk on March 1 of each year<<.
3. MILWAUKEE COUNTY-MADE GOODS. If a Milwaukee-made good is not available, the city purchasing director and any contracting agency of the city shall, unless contrary to federal, state or local law, trade agreement or other regulations, purchase Milwaukee county-made goods for purchases subject to formal competitive bidding, except for vehicles purchased under s. 310-18.3. Contracts shall be awarded to the lowest...
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