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File #: 240656    Version:
Type: Resolution Status: Approval Review
On agenda: Final action: 9/24/2024
Effective date:    
Title: Substitute resolution authorizing and directing transfers of funds from the Capital Improvements-Advance Planning Fund to subaccounts for comprehensive planning, land use and zoning analysis, GIS mapping, and other related administrative activities.
Sponsors: ALD. TAYLOR
Attachments: 1. Hearing Notice List










Substitute resolution authorizing and directing transfers of funds from the Capital Improvements-Advance Planning Fund to subaccounts for comprehensive planning, land use and zoning analysis, GIS mapping, and other related administrative activities.


This substitute resolution transfers $95,000 in funds from the Capital Improvements-Advance Planning accounts into subaccounts for use in neighborhood planning projects including redevelopment planning for the former Northridge Mall site, the West Side Area Plan Update, and administrative expenses including graduate internships, GIS related licensing and activities, as well as other miscellaneous expenses as the need arises.


Whereas, The Department of City Development (“DCD”) Planning Division carries out ongoing land use, urban design, and zoning analysis, citywide comprehensive planning, and GIS mapping and data analysis activities; and


Whereas, Technical assistance in these planning activities has often been augmented by outside consultants and graduate interns; and


Whereas, Funds are necessary to provide for such consultant services and graduate interns as the need arises; and


Whereas, The Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee was awarded $100,000 in grant funds from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) to complete a market analysis, develop redevelopment alternatives, and obtain technical assistance as the City looks to redevelop the former Northridge Mall site within the Northwest Side Plan Area, and the WEDC grant requires a $50,000 local match; and


Whereas, On February 27, 2024, the Common Council adopted File No. 231563 directing DCD to update the West Side Area Plan and allocating funding to be used to support the planning process, and DCD has identified ways in which additional funding may allow for expanded community engagement as the West Side Area planning process progresses; and


Whereas, Funds are also necessary for additional administrative activities to support ongoing planning efforts including graphic design, community engagement, translation and interpretation, and mapping and data analysis; now, therefore, be it


Resolved, That the City Comptroller is directed to transfer the amount of $50,000 from the 2024 Capital Improvements-Advance Planning Fund, Account No. 1910-UR01224000A, to be allocated to the Northridge Redevelopment Plan Subaccount No. 1910-UR01280163; and, be it


Further Resolved, That the City Comptroller is directed to transfer the amount of $10,000 from the 2024 Capital Improvements-Advance Planning Fund, Account No. 1910-UR01224000A, to be allocated to the West Side Plan Update Subaccount No. 1910-UR01280162; and, be it


Further Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee that the City Comptroller is directed to transfer the amount of $35,000 from the 2024 Capital Improvements-Advance Planning Fund, Account No. 1910-UR01224000A, to Account No. 1910-UR01211100 to be used by DCD, as the need may arise, to provide technical support and administrative costs; and, be it


Further Resolved, That DCD is authorized to enter into such contracts and agreements as necessary to accomplish the intent and purpose of this resolution.


