A substitute ordinance relating to the size of on-premise signs in certain zoning districts.
200-08-25 am
295-12-11 cr
295-412-16 rc
295-413-16 cr
295-422-16 rc
295-423-16 rc
295-432-16 rc
295-433-16 rc
295-442-16 rc
295-443-16 cr
295-452-16 rc
295-453-16 cr
295-462-16 rc
295-463-16 rc
295-472-16 rc
295-473-16 cr
295-482-16 rc
295-483-16 cr
This ordinance creates new standards for certain types of signs permitted in the C9A through C9H Central Business District zoning districts. These standards vary by type of sign.
1. For on-premise wall or rooftop signs:
- Such signs, if they have a display area larger than 50 square feet, are to be composed only of individual letters or symbols. Such letters or symbols may be cut from or applied to an opaque background.
- Wall signs are to be attached only to flat, opaque wall surfaces.
2. For on-premise ground signs:
- Such signs are to have a display area no larger than 35 square feet.
- Such signs are to have a base at least as large in width as their display area.
- The display area of such signs may not have an illuminated background.
3. For on-premise awning signs:
- Such signs are to be no more than 12 inches in height.
- If such signs are attached to awnings made of translucent material, such awnings may not be internally illuminated.
4. On-premise projecting signs, canopy or hood signs, if they have a display area larger than 25 square feet, are to be composed only of individual letters or symbols. Such letters or symbols may be cut from or applied to an opaque background.
5. On-premise marque signs, if they have a display area larger than 50 square feet, are to be illuminated only by internal lights.
Signs otherwise permitted in a particular district but not meeting these standards are permitted only as a special use.
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
Part 1. Section 200-08-25 of the code is amended to read:
200-08. Definitions.
25. DISPLAY AREA means the entire area of any sign within a single continuous perimeter enclosing the extreme limits of the facing and in no case passing through or between any adjacent elements of same. Such perimeter shall not include any structural elements outside the limits of the facing unless said elements form an integral part of the display. >>The display area shall be measured in square feet by the smallest rectilinear polygon, with a maximum of 8 sides, that describes a portion of the sign which encloses all lettering, wording design or symbols together with any internally or externally illuminated background, provided such background is designed as an integral part of the sign.<<
Part 2. Section 295-12-11 of the code is created to read:
295-12. Central Business Districts.
11. SIGNS. a. In order to be classified as a permitted use in any C9 (central business district) zoning district, an on-premise wall or rooftop sign shall meet the following standards:
a-1. Such sign, if it has a display area larger than 50 square feet, shall be composed only of individual letters or symbols. Such individual letters or symbols may be cut from or applied to an opaque background.
a-2. Wall signs shall be attached only to flat, opaque wall surfaces.
b. In order to be classified as a permitted use in any C9 (central business district) zoning district, an on-premise ground sign shall meet the following standards:
b-1. Such sign shall have a display area no larger than 35 square feet.
b-2. Such sign shall have a base at least as large in width as the sign area.
b-3. The display area of such sign shall not have an illuminated background. Only individual letters or symbols may be internally illuminated.
c. In order to be classified as a permitted use in any C9 (central business district) zoning district, an on-premise awning sign shall meet the following standards:
c-1. Such sign shall be no more than 12 inches in height.
c-2. If the awning to which such sign is attached is made of translucent material, such awning may not be internally illuminated.
d. In order to be classified as a permitted use in a C9B (residential and specialty use), C9C (neighborhood retail), C9F (office and service), C9G (mixed activity) and C9H (warehousing and light manufacturing) zoning district, an on-premise projecting sign, if it has a display area larger than 25 square feet, shall be composed only of individual letters or symbols. Such individual letters or symbols may be cut from or applied to an opaque background.
e. In order to be classified as a permitted use in any C9A (high density residential), C9B (residential and specialty use), C9C (neighborhood retail), C9D (civic activity), C9F (office and service), C9G (mixed activity) and C9H (warehousing and light manufacturing) zoning district, an on-premise canopy or hood sign, if it has a display area larger than 25 square feet, shall be composed only of individual letters or symbols. Such individual letters or symbols may be cut from or applied to an opaque background.
f. In order to be classified as a permitted use in any C9B (residential and specialty use), C9F (office and service), C9G (mixed activity) and C9H (warehousing and light manufacturing) zoning district, an on-premise marque sign, if it has a display area larger than 50 square feet, shall be illuminated only by internal lights.
Part 3. Section 295-412-16 of the code is repealed and recreated to read:
295-412. C9A (High Density Residential): Permitted Uses.
16. SIGNS. On-premise awning, canopy, hood, wall, rooftop, and ground signs, subject to s. 295-12-11.
Part 4. Section 295-413-16 of the code is created to read:
295-413. C9A (High Density Residential): Special Uses.
16. SIGNS. On-premise awning, canopy, hood, wall, rooftop and ground signs not meeting the standards of s. 295-12-11.
Part 5. Section 295-422-16 of the code is repealed and recreated to read:
295-422. C9B (Residential and Specialty Use): Permitted Uses.
16. SIGNS. a. On-premise awning, canopy, hood, marque, projecting, wall, ground and rooftop signs, subject to s. 295-12-11.
b. Off-premise awning, ground and wall signs, except as further regulated by s. 295-423-16-b.
Part 6. Section 295-423-16 of the code is repealed and recreated to read:
295-423. C9B (Residential and Specialty Use): Special Uses.
16. SIGNS. a. On-premise awning, canopy, hood, marque, projecting, wall, ground and rooftop signs not meeting the standards of s. 295-12-11.
b. Off-premise signs which are located within 300 feet of a single-family residence, 2-family residence, multi-family residence, residential and office, central business-high density residential, or residential planned development district; or within 100 feet of a residential use.
Part 7. Section 295-432-16 of the code is repealed and recreated to read:
295-432. C9C (Neighborhood Retail): Permitted Uses.
16. SIGNS. a. On-premise awning, canopy, hood, projecting, wall, ground and rooftop signs, subject to s. 295-12-11.
b. Off-premise signs, except as further regulated by s. 295-433-16-b.
Part 8. Section 295-433-16 of the code is repealed and recreated to read:
295-433. C9C (Neighborhood Retail): Special Uses.
16. SIGNS. a. On-premise awning, canopy, hood, projecting, wall, ground and rooftop signs not meeting the standards of s. 295-12-11.
b. Off-premise signs which are located within 300 feet of a single-family residence, 2-family residence, multi-family residence, residential and office, central business-high density residential, or residential planned development district; or within 100 feet of a residential use.
Part 9. Section 295-442-16 of the code is repealed and recreated to read:
295-442. C9D (Civic Activity): Permitted Uses.
16. SIGNS. a. On-premise awning, canopy, hood, wall, ground and rooftop signs, subject to s. 295-12-11.
Part 10. Section 295-443-16 of the code is created to read:
295-443. C9D (Civic Activity): Special Uses.
16. SIGNS. On-premise awning, canopy, hood, wall, ground and rooftop signs not meeting the standards of s. 295-12-11.
Part 11. Section 295-452-16 of the code is repealed and recreated to read:
295-452. C9E (Major Retail): Permitted Uses.
16. SIGNS. On-premise awning, wall, ground and rooftop signs, subject to s. 295-12-11.
Part 12. Section 295-453-16 of the code is created to read:
295-453. C9E (Major Retail): Special Uses.
16. SIGNS. On-premise awning, wall, ground and rooftop signs not meeting the standards of s. 295-12-11.
Part 13. Section 295-462-16 of the code is repealed and recreated to read:
295-462. C9F (Office and Service): Permitted Uses.
16. SIGNS. a. On-premise awning, canopy, hood, ground and rooftop signs, subject to s. 295-12-11.
b. On-premise marque signs provided they are not mounted on W. Wisconsin Ave. or W. Kilbourn Ave. building facades and as further regulated by s. 295-12-11.
c. On-premise projecting signs provided they are not mounted on W. Wisconsin Ave. or W. Kilbourn Ave. building facades and as further regulated by s. 295-12-11.
d. On-premise wall signs provided they are not visible from W. Kilbourn Ave. and as further regulated by s. 295-12-11.
e. Off-premise ground and wall signs, except as further regulated by s. 295-463-16-b.
Part 14. Section 295-463-16 of the code is repealed and recreated to read:
295-463. C9F (Office and Service): Special Uses.
16. SIGNS. a. On-premise awning, canopy, hood, marque, projecting, wall, ground or rooftop signs otherwise permitted by s. 295-462-16 but not meeting the standards of s. 295-12-11.
b. Off-premise signs which are located within 300 feet of a single-family residence, 2-family residence, multi-family residence, residential and office, central business-high density residential, or residential planned development district; or within 100 feet of a residential use.
Part 15. Section 295-472-16 of the code is repealed and recreated to read:
295-472. C9G (Mixed Activity): Permitted Uses.
16. SIGNS. a. On-premise awning, canopy, hood, marque, projecting, wall, ground and rooftop signs, subject to s. 295-12-11.
Part 16. Section 295-473-16 of the code is created to read:
295-473. C9G (Mixed Activity): Special Uses.
16. SIGNS. On-premise awning, canopy, hood, marque, projecting, wall, ground and rooftop signs not meeting the standards of s. 295-12-11.
Part 17. Section 295-482-16 of the code is repealed and recreated to read:
295-482. C9H (Warehousing and Light Manufacturing): Permitted Uses.
16. SIGNS. a. On-premise awning, canopy, hood, marque, projecting, wall, ground and rooftop signs, subject to s. 295-12-11.
Part 18. Section 295-483-16 of the code is created to read:
295-483. C9H (Warehousing and Light Manufacturing): Special Uses.
16. SIGNS. On-premise awning, canopy, hood, marque, projecting, wall, ground
and rooftop signs not meeting the standards of s. 295-12-11.
Legislative Reference Bureau
Office of the City Attorney