Resolution authorizing acceptance of engineering design funds and authorizing the proper City Officers to execute an Out-of-Program Agreement between Alliance Enterprises, LLC and the City of Milwaukee for construction of public improvements to serve the expansion of an industrial facility located on the south side of West County Line Road westerly of North 107th Street. (DPW)
This resolution authorizes the Commissioner of Public Works to accept a deposit for the engineering design of public improvements to serve the expansion of an industrial facility located on the south side of West County Line Road westerly of North 107th Street. The resolution also authorizes City Officers to execute an Out-of-Program Agreement regarding construction and funding of the necessary public improvements for the project. The developer will be responsible for the initial cost of the public improvements with the City refunding the non assessable portion of the improvement costs in 2002.
Whereas, Alliance Enterprises, LLC plans to construct a second cold storage building adjacent to a similar facility it recently constructed at 11225 West County Line Road; and
Whereas, This second building will require the extension of public sanitary sewer and water mains in West County Line Road; and
Whereas, The company desires to enter into an Out-of-Program Agreement with the City of Milwaukee regarding the design and installation of the required public improvements; and
Whereas, The Out-of-Program Agreement for the project is attached to this file; and
Whereas, Under the terms of the agreement, the initial cost of the public improvements would be assumed by the developer with the City refunding the non-assessable portion of the improvement costs in 2002; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee that the Out-of-Program Agreement, attached to this file, is hereby approved and the proper City Officers are hereby authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of the City of Milwaukee; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to accept a deposit from Alliance Enterprises, LLC to cover the cost of design engineering for the public improvements described in the Out-of-Program Agreement; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works is authorized to make minor, non-substantive changes to the Out-of-Program Agreement prior to its execution.
The Department of Public Works