Substitute resolution awarding a contract not to exceed $117,000 to the Housing Partnership Corporation relating to housing rehabilitation and disposition activity on the northeast side of the city of Milwaukee.
- Analysis -
This resolution authorizes the Community Block Grant Administration to award a grant in an amount not to exceed $117,000 to the Housing Partnership Corporation to carry out housing rehabilitation and disposition activity on the northeast side of the city of Milwaukee.
Whereas, The Community Block Grant Administration (CBGA) has received funding from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for community development activity consistent with the approved Consolidated Strategy and Plan; and
Whereas, The Community Development Policy Committee at its meeting on May 12, 1997, approved the continuation of housing rehabilitation and disposition activity on the northeast side of the city of Milwaukee; and
Whereas, The Housing Partnership Corporation (HPC) has a recorded interest in certain properties owned by ESHAC, Inc., and will assume ownership of said properties; and
Whereas, HPC has agreed to repair said properties as needed and market them to income-qualified families and individuals, and has asked for funding to accomplish same; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that Community Development Block Grant funds in an amount not to exceed $117,000 be awarded to the HPC to complete the rehabilitation of properties owned by ESHAC, Inc. and to assure the proper conveyance of those same properties to HUD- eligible, income-qualified, owner-occupants; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Community Block Grant Director is authorized and directed to enter into the necessary contracts and agreements with the HPC to require that the HPC will:
1. Complete eligible housing rehabilitation activity as detailed in the scopes of work accepted by CBGA.
2. Honor the relevant terms of all existing contracts for sale developed by ESHAC, Inc.
3. Sell all properties to income - eligible owner - occupants at market value as verified by independent appraisal.
4. Use sale proceeds to offset the costs connected with the marketing and rehabilitation of the properties sold.
5. The CBGA Review Committee, originally set-up by the CBGA Policy Committee, will continue to oversee the issuance of funds (members include representatives from CBGA agency, Comptroller's Office, HPC & ESHAC, Inc.) and report back to the Policy Committee.
6. Sales income generated above and beyond the HPC purchase price at sheriff's sale shall be applied toward the deficiency judgment HPC now holds against ESHAC, Inc.
; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the City Comptroller is authorized to:
1. Create a Special Revenue Fund - Grant and Aid Projects and the necessary expenditure and revenue accounts; appropriate to these accounts the amount required under the grant agreement, and transfer the corresponding offsetting estimated revenue.
2. Establish the necessary grant performance submeasures.
; and, be it
Further Resolved, That these funds are appropriated to Community Block Grant Administration, which is authorized to:
1. Expend from the amount appropriated sums for specified purposes as indicated in the grant budget and incur costs consistent with the award date.
2. Enter into subcontracts and leases as detailed in the grant budget.
; and, be it
Further Resolved, That all other terms and conditions specified in Common Council Resolutions File Number and 961043 and File Number 961045 be and remain unchanged.
Community Block Grant Administration
CATTmmunity Block Grant Administration