A substitute ordinance relating to revisions of various provisions of the zoning code and correction of the City's zoning map.
119-11-6-a am
244-3-1 am
295-109-3 am
295-201-437 am
295-201-461 am
295-201-473 am
295-201-515 am
295-201-517 am
295-201-573 am
295-201-664 cr
295-201-664.5 cr
295-203-1-v cr
295-203-7-r am
295-203-10-d am
295-203-10-e am
295-203-13-b am
295-311-3-b am
295-403-2-a (table) am
295-405-1-c (table) am
295-407-2-b-1-b am
295-407-3-b am
295-407-4-d am
295-407-5-b-2 am
295-407-8-b-11 rp
295-503-1 (table) am
295-503-2-b-2 am
295-503-2-i rp
295-503-2-j-1 am
295-503-2-o-1 am
295-505-2 (table) am
295-505-2-c-1 rc
295-505-2-d-1 am
295-505-2-m cr
295-505-4-b-8 rn
295-505-4-b-8 cr
295-505-4-b-9 rn
295-505-4-c-2 am
295-505-5-c-1 am
295-505-5-c-2-b am
295-505-5-i cr
295-603-1 (table) am
295-605-2 (table) am
295-605-4-f rn
295-605-4-f cr
295-605-4-g rn
295-605-4-h rn
295-605-5 (table) am
295-605-5-d-1 am
295-703-1 (table) am
295-703-2-L am
295-703-2-m rn
295-703-2-m cr
295-703-2-n rn
295-703-2-o rn
295-703-2-p rn
295-703-2-q rn
295-703-2-r rn
295-703-2-s rn
295-705-1 (table) am
295-705-7-b-8-c cr
295-803-1 (table) am
295-805-2-b rc
295-805-2 (table) am
295-805-5 (table) am
295-903-2-a (table) am
295-905-2-a (table) am
295-1017-2-f-6 cr
This ordinance corrects errors and clarifies language in the new zoning code that became effective October 1, 2002. It also makes a number of minor substantive changes to the zoning code, including:
1. Parking spaces that are integrated into larger structures housing permitted or board of zoning appeals-approved uses shall be classified as accessory-use parking structures.
2. The message on an automatic changeable message sign may be changed as frequently as once every 60 seconds, rather than a maximum frequency of once every 12 hours.
3. Accessory-use parking structures are classified as a limited use in all downtown zoning districts, with the limited use standards being that:
a. The parking spaces shall be integrated into a larger structure that houses one or more principal uses of the premises that are permitted uses or have been approved by the board.
b. If the structure is in the C9C, C9E, C9F or C9G district, at least 50% of the street frontage shall be devoted to permitted uses or uses approved by the board.
4. The height of freestanding signs under a master sign program overlay zone shall not exceed 150% of the maximum height permitted in the base zoning district.
This ordinance also corrects various errors on the official City of Milwaukee zoning map by replacing that map with a new official City of Milwaukee zoning map.
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
Part 1. Section 119-11-6-a of the code is amended to read:
119-11. Principles of Design.
6. LOTS. a. Size. The size, shape and orientation of lots shall conform to the requirements of the zoning code and shall be appropriate for the location of the proposed subdivision and for the type of development contemplated [[, except that no residential lot shall be less than 3,600 square feet in area and have a width of not less than 30 feet at the required building setback line, and except that for the purpose of conveying individual lots in attached single-family or other common wall or row type housing developments, lesser widths and areas may be permitted as provided by applicable zoning regulations]] .
Part 2. Section 244-3-1 of the code is amended to read:
244-3. Maintenance, Abandonment and Removal.
1. MAINTENANCE STANDARDS. All signs and billboards, including those exempt from permit requirements and other regulations by s.[[244-01-2]], >>244-2-1-c<< shall be maintained in good structural condition at all times. Maintenance of signs and billboards shall include, but not be limited to, the replacement of defective parts, removal of graffiti-type markings or drawings, painting or repainting as necessary, and periodic cleaning.
Part 3. Section 295-109-3 of the code is amended to read:
295-109. Zoning Map.
3. COMBINING >>OR DIVIDING<< PROPERTY. To insure that the zoning of property reflects its suitability for specific uses, the combination >>or division<< of lots will only be permitted if the lot or lots created meet the requirements of this chapter and [[are]] >>each lot is<< located wholly within one >>base<< zoning district.
Part 4. Section 295-201-437 of the code is amended to read:
437. PARKING STRUCTURE, ACCESSORY USE means parking spaces and adjacent access drives, aisles and ramps that are located in a structure with 2 or more levels, where the parking structure is not the principal use of the premises. [[This term does not include commercial parking operations, which are a principal use.]] This term does not include private one-story garages for single-, 2- or multi-family dwellings [[or]] >>but does include<< parking spaces that are integrated into a larger structure that houses the principal use of the premises.
Part 5. Section 295-201-461 of the code is amended to read:
461. PREMISES means one or more lots or portions of lots, including any structures, which are contiguous [[and]] >>,<< under common ownership or control >>through the use of a permanent deed restriction or a certified survey map, and located entirely within one base zoning district<< .
Part 6. Section 295-201-473 of the code is amended to read:
473. RAISING OF CROPS OR LIVESTOCK means the growing of crops, including any farm, orchard or other establishment used for the growing of crops, or the use of land or buildings for [[animal or poultry husbandry]] >>the keeping of fowl, cows, cattle, horses, sheep, swine, goats, chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese or any other domesticated livestock<< if permitted by the health department under the provisions of ch. 78.
Part 7. Section 295-201-515 of the code is amended to read:
515. SALVAGE OPERATION, INDOOR means an establishment providing the storage of any equipment, goods, junk, material, merchandise or [[commercial]] >>inoperable motor<< vehicles within a building for more than 48 hours. Such establishment typically performs the dismantling of items for the salvage of useable parts. This term does not include a recycling collection facility, mixed-waste processing facility, material reclamation facility, wholesale and distribution facility or hazardous materials storage.
Part 8. Section 295-201-517 of the code is amended to read:
517. SALVAGE OPERATION, OUTDOOR means an establishment providing the storage of any equipment, goods, junk, material, merchandise or [[commercial]] >>inoperable motor<< vehicles in the open for more than 48 hours. Such establishment typically performs the dismantling of items for the salvage of useable parts. This term does not include a recycling collection facility, mixed-waste processing facility, material reclamation facility, wholesale and distribution facility or hazardous materials storage.
Part 9. Section 295-201-573 of the code is amended to read:
573. SIGN, HOOD means a sign attached to, painted on or suspended from a hood. >>This term includes signs commonly referred to as "marquee signs."<<
Part 10. Section 295-201-664 of the code is created to read:
664. TOW TRUCK means a motor vehicle that is equipped with mechanical or hydraulic lifting devices or winches capable of, and used for, the recovery and transport or both of wrecked, disabled, abandoned, used or replacement vehicles.
Part 11. Section 295-201-664.5 of the code is created to read:
664.5. TRANSITIONAL LIVING FACILITY means a premises, other than a community living arrangement of an adult family home, in which 3 or more adult residents are provided with personal care, treatment or services above the level of room and board but less than nursing care, including but not limited to supervision, monitoring, counseling, transportation or ongoing assistance with personal finances or medications, by a person who provides any of these services under a contractual arrangement.
Part 12. Section 295-203-1-v of the code is created to read:
295-203. Use Definitions.
v. "Transitional living facility" means a premises, other than a community living arrangement of an adult family home, in which 3 or more adult residents are provided with personal care, treatment or services above the level of room and board but less than nursing care, including but not limited to supervision, monitoring, counseling, transportation or ongoing assistance with personal finances or medications, by a person who provides any of these services under a contractual arrangement.
Part 13. Section 295-203-7-r of the code is amended to read:
r. "Parking structure, accessory use" means parking spaces and adjacent access drives, aisles and ramps that are located in a structure with 2 or more levels, where the parking structure is not the principal use of the premises. [[This term does not include commercial parking operations, which are a principal use.]] This term does not include private one-story garages for single-, 2- or multi-family dwellings [[or]] >>but does include<< parking spaces that are integrated into a larger structure that houses the principal use of the premises.
Part 14. Section 295-203-10-d and e of the code is amended to read:
d. "Salvage operation, indoor" means an establishment providing the storage of any equipment, goods, junk, material, merchandise or [[commercial]] >>inoperable motor<< vehicles within a building for more than 48 hours. Such establishment typically performs the dismantling of items for the salvage of useable parts. This term does not include a recycling collection facility, mixed-waste processing facility, material reclamation facility, wholesale and distribution facility or hazardous materials storage.
e. "Salvage operation, outdoor" means an establishment providing the storage of any equipment, goods, junk, material, merchandise or [[commercial]] >>inoperable motor<< vehicles in the open for more than 48 hours. Such establishment typically performs the dismantling of items for the salvage of useable parts. This term does not include a recycling collection facility, mixed-waste processing facility, material reclamation facility, wholesale and distribution facility or hazardous materials storage.
Part 15. Section 295-203-13-b of the code is amended to read:
b. "Raising of crops or livestock" means the growing of crops, including any farm, orchard or other establishment used for the growing of crops, or the use of land or buildings for [[animal or poultry husbandry]] >>the keeping of fowl, cows, cattle, horses, sheep, swine, goats, chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese or any other domesticated livestock<< if permitted by the health department under the provisions of ch. 78.
Part 16. Section 295-311-3-b of the code is amended to read:
295-311. Appeals.
b. Public Hearing. Prior to making a determination with respect to a variance request, the board shall hold a public hearing and provide, by mail, written notice of the hearing to the petitioner, at the address provided on the variance application, and to owners of property immediately surrounding and within at least 150 feet thereof, inclusive of streets and alleys, as listed in the office of the city assessor. Such notice shall state that the board will be considering and conducting a public hearing on a request for a variance, and shall otherwise be in accordance with s. 19.84, Wis. Stats. >>In the case of a fence variance, written notice of the hearing need only be provided to owners of abutting properties, to the owner of the property determined by the department to be directly across the street from the premises, and to owners of properties on each corner opposite the premises if the property to which the variance would apply is a corner lot.<<
Part 17. Table 295-403-2-a of the code is amended to read:
Uses No. of Parking Spaces Required
Single-family dwelling min. of one space; max. of 4 spaces
Two-family dwelling min. of one space per dwelling unit; max. of 4 spaces on the premises
Multi-family dwelling: Zoning Districts Min. ratio of parking spaces to dwelling units* RM1, RM2, RM3, RM4, RO1, NS1, LB1, RB1 1:1 RT4, RM5, RM6, RM7, RO2, NS2, LB2, RB2, CS, C9A, IM 2:3 * Note: In RM6, RM7, C9A and IM districts, a private elderly housing project shall have one parking space for every 2 dwelling units; in other zoning districts, a private elderly housing project shall have 2 parking spaces for every 3 dwelling units. Public housing for low-income families and public or federally-assisted low-income elderly housing projects shall provide one parking space for every 2 dwelling units.
Attached single-family dwelling min. of one space; max. of 4 spaces
Live-work unit one for each live/work unit in the building
Mobile home N.A.
Watchman/service quarters none
Family day care home see requirement for dwelling unit type
Group Residential
Rooming house one for every 2 rooms
Convent, rectory or monastery one per facility
Dormitory one for every 15 beds or fraction thereof
Fraternity or sorority one for every 2 rooms
Adult family home one
Foster Homes
Foster family home one
Small foster home one
Group home or group foster home one
Shelter Care Facilities
Family shelter care facility one
Small group shelter care facility one
Large group shelter care facility one
Community living arrangement one
>>Transitional living facility one per dwelling unit<<
Day care center none
School, elementary or secondary none
College none
School, specialty or personal instruction none
Library none
Cultural institution none
Community center as required by the board for special use approval
Religious assembly one for every 6 seats in the assembly hall
Cemetery or other place of interment none
Public safety facility none
Correctional facility none
General office one for each 250 sq. ft. of the first 2,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area; one for each 1,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area in excess of 2,000 sq. ft.
Government office see general office
Bank or other financial institution see general office
Currency exchange, payday loan or title loan agency see general retail establishment
Retail establishment, general one for each 500 sq. ft. of gross floor area on the first floor; one for each 1,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area on the 2nd floor and above
Garden supply or landscaping center see general retail establishment
Home improvement center see general retail establishment
Secondhand store see general retail establishment
Outdoor merchandise sales one for each 500 sq. ft. of outdoor or indoor space devoted to the display of goods for sale
Artist studio none
Adult retail establishment see general retail establishment
Medical office see general office
Health clinic see general office
Hospital one for every 4 beds
Medical research laboratory see general office
Medical service facility see general office
Social service facility see general office
Emergency residential shelter as required by the board for special use approval
Nursing home one for every 4 beds
Personal service establishment see general office
Business service see general office
Building maintenance service see general office
Catering service see general office
Funeral home one for each 100 square feet of floor area of a chapel, parlor or other room used for funeral services, but not less than 4 spaces
Laundromat see general retail establishment
Dry cleaning establishment see general retail establishment
Furniture and appliance rental and leasing see general retail establishment
Household maintenance and repair service see general retail establishment
Tool/equipment rental facility see general retail establishment
Animal Services
Animal hospital/clinic see general retail establishment
Animal boarding facility see general retail establishment
Animal grooming or training facility see general retail establishment
Light Motor Vehicle
Sales facility none (permitted use) or as required by the board (special use)
Rental facility none (permitted or limited use) or as required by the board (special use)
Repair facility as required by the board for special use approval
Body shop none (permitted use) or as required by the board (special use)
Outdoor storage none (permitted use) or as required by the board (special use)
Limited wholesale facility none
Heavy Motor Vehicle
Sales facility none (permitted use) or as required by the board (special use)
Rental facility none (permitted use) or as required by the board (special use)
Repair facility none (permitted use) or as required by the board (special use)
Body shop none (permitted use) or as required by the board (special use)
Outdoor storage none (permitted use) or as required by the board (special use)
General Motor Vehicle
Filling station as required by the board for special use approval
Car wash none
Drive-through facility none
Parking lot, principal use N.A.
Parking lot, accessory use N.A.
Parking structure, principal use N.A.
Parking structure, accessory use N.A.
Heavy motor vehicle parking lot, principal N.A.
Heavy motor vehicle parking lot, accessory N.A.
Bed and breakfast one for each sleeping room, plus one additional space
Hotel, commercial one for every 1,000 square feet, or fraction thereof, of gross floor area on the ground floor or above
Hotel, residential one for every 2 sleeping rooms
Tavern see general retail establishment
Assembly hall one for every 1,000 square feet of gross floor area or fraction thereof
Restaurant, sit-down see general retail establishment
Restaurant, fast-food/carry-out see general retail establishment
Park or playground none
Festival grounds none
Recreation facility, indoor see general retail establishment
Recreation facility, outdoor as required by the board for special use approval
Health club see general retail establishment
Sports facility as required by the board for special use approval
Gaming facility N.A.
Theater one for every 100 square feet of floor area in the theater auditorium
Convention and exposition center as required by the board for special use approval
Marina none
Outdoor racing facility as required by the board for special use approval
Adult entertainment establishment see general retail establishment
Recycling collection facility none
Mixed-waste processing facility none
Material reclamation facility none
Salvage operation, indoor none
Salvage operation, outdoor none
Wholesale and distribution facility, indoor none
Wholesale and distribution facility, outdoor none
Storage Facilities
Indoor none
Outdoor none
Hazardous materials none
Ambulance service see general office
Ground transportation service see general office
Passenger terminal none
Helicopter landing facility none
Airport none
Ship terminal or docking facility none
Truck freight terminal none
Railroad switching, classification yard or freight terminal none
Manufacturing, light none
Manufacturing, heavy none
Manufacturing, intense none
Research and development none
Processing or recycling of mined materials none
Contractor's shop see general office
Contractor's yard none
Plant nursery or greenhouse none
Raising of crops or livestock none
Broadcasting or recording studio see general office
Transmission tower see general office
Water treatment plant see general office
Sewerage treatment plant see general office
Power generation plant see general office
Substation/distribution equipment, indoor see general office
Substation/distribution equipment, outdoor see general office
Seasonal market none
Temporary real estate sales office none
Temporary concrete/batch plant none
Live entertainment special event none
Part 18. Table 295-405-1-c of the code is amended to read:
Type A Landscaping Type B Landscaping Type C Landscaping Type D Landscaping Type E Landscaping Type F Landscaping Type G Landscaping Type H Landscaping
Required Fence/Wall Fence or wall required? optional yes yes yes if located in LB2 yes yes optional yes
Fence/wall height requirements fence optional; see below 3 ft. min.; 6 ft. max. 6 ft. if provided, 3 ft. min.; 6 ft. max. 6 ft. min.; 9 ft. max. 6 ft. min.; 9 ft. max. to top of object plus one foot (min.); 9 ft. max. 6 ft.; shall be reduced to 5 ft. when adjacent to a residential front yard
Fence/wall materials required fence not required masonry or decorative metal combination masonry/ decorative metal if LB2, masonry or decorative metal; other districts, fences are optional any opaque fence type any opaque fence type any opaque fence type any opaque fence type
Fence/wall opacity fence not required no opacity standard solid in lower 3 ft. no opacity standard 100% 100% 100% 100%
Fence/wall location in landscaped area if provided, adjacent to parking anywhere within landscaped area anywhere within landscaped area anywhere within landscaped area behind landscaping behind landscaping between object being screened and area of visibility adjacent to residential property line
Allowable fence/wall Masonry wall up to 4 ft. high up to 4 ft. high up to 4 ft. high up to 4 ft. high up to 9 ft. high up to 9 ft. high up to 9 ft. high up to 9 ft. high
Decorative metal fence up to 6 ft. high up to 6 ft. high up to 6 ft. high; lowest 3 ft. shall be solid wall up to 6 ft. high not permitted not permitted allowed, but a second row of shrubs shall be required up to 9 ft. high
Wood fence, open up to 4 ft. high not permitted not permitted if not in LB2, up to 3.5 ft. high not permitted not permitted not permitted not permitted
Wood fence, opaque up to 4 ft. high not permitted not permitted if not in LB2, up to 3.5 ft. high up to 9 ft. high up to 9 ft. high up to 9 ft. high up to 9 ft. high
Chain link fence (coated wire only) up to 6 ft. high not permitted not permitted not permitted optional if fence has slats; up to 6 ft. high optional if fence has slats; up to 6 ft. high optional if fence has slats; up to 6 ft. high not permitted with or without slats
Trees and Shrubs Required & Allowed Minimum landscaped area width 5 ft. 5 ft. sufficient for wall, trees and optional shrubs 5 ft. 15 ft. 5 ft.; 15 ft. if a chain-link fence is present sufficient to accommodate required plantings; 15 ft. if a chain-link fence is present sufficient to accommodate fence/wall and optional trees/shrubs
Deciduous street-type trees minimum every 25 ft. minimum1every 25 ft. minimum1 every 25 ft. minimum 1 every 25 ft. minimum 1 every 25 ft. minimum 1 every 25 ft. allowed but not required unless a loading dock is present 1 every 25 feet or where required by s. 295-405-1-b-8
Ornamental tree option minimum 1 every 20 ft. if landscaped area is at least 10 ft. wide minimum 1 every 20 ft. if landscaped area is at least 10 ft. wide optional minimum 1 every 20 ft. if landscaped area is at least 10 ft. wide minimum 1 every 20 ft. if landscaped area is at least 10 ft. wide minimum 1 every 20 ft. if landscaped area is at least 10 ft. wide minimum 1 every 20 ft. if landscaped area is at least 10 ft. wide 1 every 20 feet if landscaped area is at least 10 ft. wide
Shrub spacing requirement 2 staggered rows with plants a max. of 4 ft. on center in each row; if a 4-ft. opaque fence is provided, only one row shall be planted, max. 3 ft. on center 2 staggered rows with plants a max. of 4 ft. on center in each row; if a 4-ft. opaque fence is provided, only one row shall be planted, max. 3 ft. on center one row with plants a max. of 3 ft. on center; if a masonry wall is provided, shrubs are optional if light motor vehicle parking: one row with plants a max. of 3 ft. on center; if heavy motor vehicle parking, 2 staggered rows with plants a max. of 4 ft. on center in each row one row with plants a max. of 3 ft. on center; if chain-link fence is provided, 2 staggered rows with plants a max. of 4 ft. on center in each row one row with plants a max. of 3 ft. on center; if chain-link fence is provided, 2 staggered rows with plants a max. of 4 ft. on center in each row 2 staggered rows, with plants a maximum of 4 ft. on center in each row; if a 4-ft. opaque fence is provided, only one row shall be planted, max. of 3 ft. on center option or, where required by s. 295-405-1-b-8, one row with plants a max. of 8 ft. on center
Shrub size, min. (at time of planting) 2 ft. in diameter 2 ft. in diameter 2 ft. in diameter if light motor vehicle parking, 1.5 ft. in diameter; if heavy motor vehicle parking, 2 ft. in diameter 2 ft. in diameter 2 ft. in diameter 2 ft. in diameter 2 ft. in diameter
Shrub height, min. (at time of planting) [[3]] >>2<< ft. [[3]] >>2<< ft. [[3]] >>2<< ft. if light motor vehicle parking, 2 ft.; if heavy motor vehicle parking, 3 ft. 6 ft. 6 ft. 6 ft. [[3]] >>2<< ft.
Shrub height, max. (at maturity) 3.5 ft. 3.5 ft. 3.5 ft. if light motor vehicle parking, 3.5. ft.; if heavy motor vehicle parking, 4.5 ft. no limit no limit no limit no limit
Part 19. Section 295-407-2-b-1-b of the code is amended to read:
295-407. Signs.
b. Sign Types.
b-1. Freestanding Signs.
b-1-b. Type B Freestanding Signs. A type B freestanding sign is one with a display area that has an internally-illuminated overall background. This type of sign is typically a plastic-panel-faced box sign. Other types of freestanding signs which do not have the characteristics of a type A sign are included in this category. This type may be mounted on one or multiple poles, or may have a monument-type bases. [[If a monument-type base is provided and the sign does not exceed 8 feet in height, the maximum display area shall be 10 square feet more than the maximum display area specified in a district sign standards table.]]
Part 20. Section 295-407-3-b of the code is amended to read:
b. Automatic Changeable Message Signs. Automatic changeable message signs shall be permitted provided messages, other than time or temperature displays, are not changed more frequently than once every [[12 hours]] >>60 seconds<<. The display area of changeable message signs shall be included in the calculation of the total display area of the applicable sign type.
Part 21. Section 295-407-4-d of the code is amended to read:
d. Political signs, provided [[they are removed within 10 days after the election]] >>that in the case of an election for office or a referendum, such sign is removed within 30 days of the end of the election campaign period, as defined in s. 12.04(1)(a), Wis. Stats<< .
Part 22. Section 295-407-5-b-2 of the code is amended to read:
b. Automatic changeable message signs, except:
b-2. Signs with messages that change not more than once every [[12 hours]] >>60 seconds<<.
Part 23. Section 295-407-8-b-11 of the code is repealed.
(Note: The provision being repealed reads as follows:
b. Standards.
b-11. Signs on Parking Lots Prohibited. No off-premise sign shall be placed upon any premises used for commercial parking purposes.)
Part 24. Table 295-503-1 of the code is amended to read:
Y = Permitted Use L = Limited Use S = Special Use N = Prohibited Use Zoning Districts
Uses RS1-RS5 RS6 RT1-RT3 RT4 RM1-RM2 RM3-RM7 RO1 RO2
Single-family dwelling Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Two-family dwelling L L Y Y Y Y Y Y
Multi-family dwelling N N L L Y Y Y Y
Attached single-family dwelling N N L L Y Y Y Y
Live-work unit N N N L L L Y Y
Mobile home N N N N N N N N
Watchman/service quarters N N N N N N N N
Family day care home L L L L L L L L
Group Residential
Rooming house N N N S S S S S
Convent, rectory or monastery Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Dormitory N N N S S S S S
Fraternity or sorority N N N S S S S S
Adult family home L L L L L L L L
Foster Homes
Foster family home Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Small foster home L L L L L L L L
Group home or group foster home L L L L L L L L
Shelter Care Facilities
Family shelter care facility Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Small group shelter care facility L L L L L L L L
Large group shelter care facility N N N S S S S S
Community living arrangement L L L L L L L L
>>Transitional living facility N N S S S S N N<<
Day care center S S S S S S S S
School, elementary or secondary Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
College N S N S S S Y Y
School, specialty or personal instruction N L N L N L Y Y
Library Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Cultural institution N L N L L L L L
Community center N S N S S S S S
Religious assembly Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Cemetery or other place of interment N N N N N N N N
Public safety facility Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Correctional facility N N N N N N N N
General office N L N L N L Y Y
Government office N L N L N L Y Y
Bank or other financial institution N L N L N L Y Y
Currency exchange, payday loan or title loan agency N N N N N N N N
Retail establishment, general N L N L N L L L
Garden supply or landscaping center N N N N N N N N
Home improvement center N N N N N N N N
Secondhand store N N N N N N S S
Outdoor merchandise sales N N N N N N N N
Artist studio N L N L N L Y Y
Adult retail establishment N N N N N N N N
Medical office N L N L N L Y Y
Health clinic N N N N N S S S
Hospital N N N N N N N N
Medical research laboratory N N N N N N N N
Medical service facility N N N N N N N N
Social service facility N N N N N S S S
Emergency residential shelter N N N N S S S S
Nursing home N S N S S S S S
Personal service N L N L N L Y Y
Business service N S N S N S L L
Building maintenance service N N N N N N N N
Catering service N L N L N L L L
Funeral home N L N L N L Y Y
Laundromat N N N N N N L L
Dry cleaning establishment N L N L N L L L
Furniture and appliance rental and leasing N N N N N N N N
Household maintenance and repair service N N N N N N N N
Tool/equipment rental facility N N N N N N N N
Animal Services
Animal hospital/clinic N N N N N N N N
Animal boarding facility N N N N N N N N
Animal grooming or training facility N N N N N N N N
Light Motor Vehicle
Sales facility N N N N N N N N
Rental facility N N N N N N N N
Repair facility N N N N N N N N
Body shop N N N N N N N N
Outdoor storage N N N N N N N N
Limited wholesale facility N N N N N N N N
Heavy Motor Vehicle
Sales facility N N N N N N N N
Rental facility N N N N N N N N
Repair facility N N N N N N N N
Body shop N N N N N N N N
Outdoor storage N N N N N N N N
General Motor Vehicle
Filling station N N N N N N N N
Car wash N N N N N N N N
Drive-through facility N N N N N N N N
Parking lot, principal use N S N S S S S S
Parking lot, accessory use Y L Y L Y L Y L
Parking structure, principal use N N N N N S S S
Parking structure, accessory use N N N N Y Y Y L
Heavy motor vehicle parking lot, principal N N N N N N N N
Heavy motor vehicle parking lot, accessory N N N N N N N N
Bed and breakfast S L L L L L Y Y
Hotel, commercial N N N N N N N S
Hotel, residential N N N N N N N Y
Tavern N L N L N L N S
Assembly hall N N N N N N N S
Restaurant, sit-down N L N L N L Y Y
Restaurant, fast-food/carry-out N L N L N L L L
Park or playground Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Festival grounds N N N N N N N N
Recreation facility, indoor N N N N N N S S
Recreation facility, outdoor N N N N N N N N
Health club N N N N N N Y Y
Sports facility N N N N N N N N
Gaming facility N N N N N N N N
Theater N N N N N N L L
Convention and exposition center N N N N N N N N
Marina N N N N N N N N
Outdoor racing facility N N N N N N N N
Adult entertainment establishment N N N N N N N N
Recycling collection facility N N N N N N S S
Mixed-waste processing facility N N N N N N N N
Material reclamation facility N N N N N N N N
Salvage operation, indoor N N N N N N N N
Salvage operation, outdoor N N N N N N N N
Wholesale and distribution facility, indoor N N N N N N N N
Wholesale and distribution facility, outdoor N N N N N N N N
Storage Facilities
Indoor N N N N N N N N
Outdoor N N N N N N N N
Hazardous materials N N N N N N N N
Ambulance service N N N N N N N N
Ground transportation service N N N N N N N N
Passenger terminal N N N N N N N N
Helicopter landing facility N N N N N N N N
Airport N N N N N N N N
Ship terminal or docking facility N N N N N N N N
Truck freight terminal N N N N N N N N
Railroad switching, classification yard or freight terminal N N N N N N N N
Manufacturing, light N N N N N N N N
Manufacturing, heavy N N N N N N N N
Manufacturing, intense N N N N N N N N
Research and development N N N N N N N N
Processing or recycling of mined materials N N N N N N N N
Contractor's shop N N N N N N N N
Contractor's yard N N N N N N N N
Plant nursery or greenhouse Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Raising of crops or livestock Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Broadcasting or recording studio N N N N N N N N
Transmission tower L L L L L L L L
Water treatment plant S S S S S S S S
Sewage treatment plant N N N N N N N N
Power generation plant N N N N N N N N
Substation/distribution equipment, indoor S S S S S S S S
Substation/distribution equipment, outdoor L L L L L L L L
Seasonal market L L L L L L L L
Temporary real estate sales office L L L L L L L L
Concrete/batch plant, temporary L L L L L L L L
Live entertainment special event L L L L L L L L
Part 25. Section 295-503-2-b-2 of the code is amended to read:
295-503. Uses.
b. Multi-Family Dwelling.
b-2. In the RT4 district, not more than 4 dwelling units shall be permitted [[on a single lot]] >>in a single building<<. If this standard is not met, a multi-family dwelling is a prohibited use.
Part 26. Section 295-503-2-i of the code is repealed.
(Note: The provisions being repealed read as follows:
i. Day Care Center. i-1. The use is located in a building containing an elementary or secondary school, college or religious assembly as a principal use.
i-2. The use shall not operate between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.)
Part 27. Section 295-503-2-j-1 of the code is amended to read:
j. Specialty or Personal Instruction School, General Office, Government Office, Bank or Other Financial Institution, General Retail Establishment, Artist Studio, Medical Office, Personal Service, Business Service, Catering Service, Funeral Home, Laundromat, Dry Cleaning Establishment, Sit-down Restaurant or Fast-food/Carry-out Restaurant. j-1. In the >>RS6,<< RT4 and RM3 to RM7 districts, the structure to be occupied was constructed prior to October 1, 2002, was originally designed and intended to be occupied in whole or in part by a non-residential use, and has been continuously occupied by such non-residential use. Any enlargement of the structure or area devoted to the non-residential use shall require special use approval by the board.
Part 28. Section 295-503-2-o-1 of the code is amended to read:
o. Tavern. o-1. In the >>RS6,<< RT4 and RM3 to RM7 districts, the structure to be occupied was constructed prior to October 1, 2002, was originally designed and intended to be occupied in whole or in part by a non-residential use, and has been continuously occupied by such non-residential use. Any enlargement of the structure or area devoted to the non-residential use shall require special use approval by the board.
Part 29. Table 295-505-2 of the code is amended to read:
Single-family Districts Two-family Districts
Lot Lot area, minimum (sq. ft.) detached housing 20,000 12,000 9,000 7,200 6,000 3,600 7,200 4,800 3,000 2,400
Lot area, minimum (sq. ft.) attached housing not applicable 3,600 3,000 1,800 1,800
Lot area, maximum (sq. ft.) none none none none none none none none none none
Lot width, minimum (ft.) detached housing 100 100 75 60 50 30 60 40 30 24
Lot width, minimum (ft.) attached housing not applicable 30 25 18 18
Lot width, maximum (ft.) none none none none none none none none none none
Density Lot area per dwelling unit, minimum (sq. ft.) none none none none none none 3,600 2,400 1,800 1,200
Lot coverage, minimum interior lot none none none none none 15% none none 15& 20%
Lot coverage, maximum interior lot 15% 15% 30% 30% 30% 60% 30% 30% 50% 70%
Lot coverage, minimum corner lot none none none none none 15% none none 15% 20%
Lot coverage, maximum corner lot 15% 15% 30% 30% 40% 70% 40% 40% 60% 85%
Floor area, minimum (sq. ft.) one-story structure 1,500 1,500 1,300 1,200 900 none none none none none
Floor area, minimum (sq. ft.) split-level or taller 1,900 1,900 1,700 1,450 1,200 none none none none none
Height Height, minimum (ft.) none none none none none 20 none none 20 20
Height, maximum (ft.) 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 60
Primary Frontage Front setback, minimum (ft.) >>(see s. 295-505-2-b)<< average average average average average average average average average average
Front setback, maximum (ft.) >>(see s. 295-505-2-b)<< none none none none average average none none average but never more than 20 ft.
Side street setback, minimum (ft.) 20% of lot width but never more than 15 ft. 10% of lot width but never more than 15 ft. 10% of lot width but never more than 6 ft. 20% of lot width but never more than 15 ft. 10% of lot width but never more than 6 ft. 3
Side street setback, maximum (ft.) none none none none none none none none none 15
Side Setback North or west side setback, minimum (ft.) 3 3 3 3 3 1.5 3 3 1.5 1.5
South or east side setback, minimum (ft.) 6 6 6 6 6 3.5 6 6 3.5 3.5
Combined side setback, minimum (ft.) 12 12 12 12 12 5 12 12 5 5
Maximum depth of building without side setback adjustment 50 50 50 50 50 75 50 50 75 100
Max. no. of stories without side or rear setback adjustment 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 4
Rear Setback Rear setback, minimum (ft.) interior lot 25 25 25 20 15 15 25 25 15 15
Rear setback, minimum (ft. corner lot 25 25 25 15 10 10 20 20 10 10
Rear street setback, minimum (ft.) >>(see s. 295-505- -2-e)<< average average average average average average average average average average
Rear street setback, maximum (ft.) none none none none none none none none none none
Multiple principal residential buildings permitted? no no no no no yes no no yes yes
Multi-family Districts Residence & Office
Lot Lot area, minimum (sq. ft.) detached housing 3,600 3,600 3,000 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 3,600 2,400
Lot area, minimum (sq. ft.) attached housing 3,000 3,000 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 3,000 1,800
Lot area, maximum (sq. ft.) none none none none none none none none none
Lot width, minimum (ft.) detached housing 40 40 30 24 24 24 24 30 24
Lot width, minimum (ft.) attached housing 25 25 18 18 18 18 18 25 18
Lot width, maximum (ft.) none none none none none none none none none
Density Lot area per dwelling unit, minimum (sq. ft.) 2,400 1,200 2,400 ea. (3 or more); 3,600 for 2; 1,800 for one 1,200 800 400 150 2,400 400
Lot coverage, minimum interior lot 15% 15% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 15% 20%
Lot coverage, maximum interior lot 30% 50% 50% 70% 70% 70% 85% 30% none
Lot coverage, minimum corner lot 15% 15% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 15% 20%
Lot coverage, maximum corner lot 40% 60% 60% 85% 85% 85% 85% 40% none
Floor area, minimum (sq. ft.) one-story structure none none none none none none none none none
Floor area, minimum (sq. ft.) split-level or taller none none none none none none none none none
Height Height, minimum (ft.) none none 20 20 2020 20 none20 Height, maximum (ft.) 45 45 45 60 60 85 85; no limit if floor area ratio is less than 4:1 45 85
Primary Frontage Front setback, minimum (ft.) >>(see s. 295-505-2-b)<< average average average average average average average average average
Front setback, maximum (ft.) >>(see s. 295-505-2-b)<< none none average but never more than 20 ft. average but never more than 15 ft. none 15 ft.
Side street setback, minimum (ft.) 10% of lot width but not more than 15 ft. 3 3 3 3 3 same as RM1-RM2 none
Side street setback, maximum (ft.) none none 15 15 15 15 15 none none
Side Setback North or west side setback, minimum (ft.) 3 3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 3 none
South or east side setback, minimum (ft.) 6 6 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 6 none
Combined side setback, minimum (ft.) 12 12 5 5 5 5 5 12 none
Maximum depth of building without side setback adjustment 50 50 75 100 100 100 100 50 none
Max. no. of stories without side or rear setback adjustment 2 2 3 4 6 8 8 2 8
Rear Setback Rear setback, minimum (ft.) interior lot 25 25 20 15 15 15 10 20 none
Rear setback, minimum (ft. corner lot 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 none
Rear street setback, minimum (ft.) >>(see s. 295-505- 2-e)<< average average average average average average average average average
Rear street setback, maximum (ft.) none none none none none none none none none
Multiple principal residential buildings permitted? no no no yes yes yes yes yes yes
Part 30. Section 295-505-2-c-1 of the code is repealed and recreated to read:
295-505. Design Standards.
c. Side Setback Standards. c-1. Minimum Setback for Property Adjacent to Developed Parcels or Alleys. c-1-a. A new principal building on a property that is adjacent to another property containing an existing principal building located closer than 1.5 feet from the shared property line shall maintain a minimum dimension of 3 feet from such existing structure, even when table 295-505-2 allows the new structure to be less than 3 feet from the property line.
c-1-b. Where a side property line abuts an alley, the minimum setback shall be the lesser of the 2 required side setbacks.
Part 31. Section 295-505-2-d-1 of the code is amended to read:
d. Side Street Setback Standards. d-1. Build-to Line. Where a maximum side street setback is specified, at least 30% of the side street façade shall [[meet that requirement]] >>be located between the minimum and maximum required setbacks<< .
Part 32. Section 295-505-2-m of the code is created to read:
m. Garage Door Setback. Garage doors shall be set back a minimum of 4 feet from alley lot lines.
Part 33. Section 295-505-4-b-8 and 9 of the code is renumbered 295-505-4-b-9 and 10.
Part 34. Section 295-505-4-b-8 of the code is created to read:
b. Parking Spaces.
b-8. Tow Trucks. No tow truck may be parked on a lot in a single-family, 2-family or multi-family zoning district unless the tow truck is parked inside a building.
Part 35. Section 295-505-4-c-2 of the code is amended to read:
c. Access Drives.
c-2. Configuration. An access drive shall generally traverse the front [[setback]] >>property line<< at a right angle. The commissioner of public works shall approve the location and design of the curb cut and driveway apron for the access drive.
Part 36. Section 295-505-5-c-1 of the code is amended to read:
c. Elementary and Secondary Schools, Colleges and Religious Assembly.
c-1. Changeable Message Signs. Automatic changeable message signs shall not be permitted. A manual changeable message sign shall be permitted only if it uses reverse copy (white letters on black background) >>or if all internal illumination is turned off between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m<< .
Part 37. Section 295-505-5-c-2-b of the code is amended to read:
c-2-b. The premises shall have at least 240 feet of >>continuous<< street frontage.
Part 38. Section 295-505-5-i of the code is created to read:
i. Vision Triangles. All signs in residential districts shall comply with the vision triangle regulations of s. 295-405-3.
Part 39. Table 295-603-1 of the code is amended to read:
Y = Permitted Use L = Limited Use S = Special Use N = Prohibited Use Zoning Districts
Uses NS1 NS2 LB1 LB2 RB1 RB2 CS
Single-family dwelling Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Two-family dwelling Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Multi-family dwelling Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Attached single-family dwelling Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Live-work unit Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Mobile home N N N N N N N
Watchman/service quarters N N N N N N N
Family day care home Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Group Residential
Rooming house S S S S S S S
Convent, rectory or monastery Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Dormitory Y Y Y Y S N N
Fraternity or sorority S S S S N S N
Adult family home L L L L L L L
Foster Homes
Foster family home Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Small foster home L L L L L L L
Group home or group foster home L L L L L L L
Shelter Care Facilities
Family shelter care facility Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Small group shelter care facility L L L L L L L
Large group shelter care facility S S S S S S S
Community living arrangement L L L L L L L
>>Transitional living facility S S S S S S N<<
Day care center L L L L L L L
School, elementary or secondary Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
College Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
School, specialty or personal instruction Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Library Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Cultural institution Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Community center S S S S S S S
Religious assembly S S S S Y Y Y
Cemetery or other place of interment N N N N N N N
Public safety facility Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Correctional facility N N N N N N N
General office Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Government office Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Bank or other financial institution Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Currency exchange, payday loan or title loan agency S S S S S S S
Retail establishment, general L L L L L L L
Garden supply or landscaping center N N Y Y Y Y Y
Home improvement center N N S S Y Y Y
Secondhand store S S S S S S S
Outdoor merchandise sales S S S S S S S
Artist studio Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Adult retail establishment N N N N S S N
Medical office Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Health clinic S S S S S S S
Hospital N N S S S S S
Medical research laboratory N N S S S S Y
Medical service facility N N S S S S S
Social service facility S S S S S S S
Emergency residential shelter S S S S S S S
Nursing home Y S Y Y Y Y Y
Personal service L L L L L L L
Business service Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Building maintenance service N N S S Y Y Y
Catering service Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Funeral home Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Laundromat Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Dry cleaning establishment Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Furniture and appliance rental and leasing S S Y Y Y Y Y
Household maintenance and repair service Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Tool/equipment rental facility Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Animal Services
Animal hospital/clinic L L L L L L L
Animal boarding facility L L L L L L L
Animal grooming or training facility L L L L L L L
Light Motor Vehicle
Sales facility N N S S Y Y S
Rental facility L L L L Y Y Y
Repair facility N N S S S S S
Body shop N N S S S S S
Outdoor storage N N S S S S S
Limited wholesale facility Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Heavy Motor Vehicle
Sales facility N N S S S S S
Rental facility N N S S S S S
Repair facility N N N N S S N
Body shop N N N N S S N
Outdoor storage N N N N S S N
General Motor Vehicle
Filling station N N S S S S S
Car wash N N L L L L L
Drive-through facility L L L L L L L
Parking lot, principal use L L Y L Y L L
Parking lot, accessory use Y L Y L Y Y Y
Parking structure, principal use S S L L L L L
Parking structure, accessory use Y L Y L Y Y Y
Heavy motor vehicle parking lot, principal use N N S S S S S
Heavy motor vehicle parking lot, accessory use S S S S S S S
Bed and breakfast Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Hotel, commercial Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Hotel, residential Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Tavern L L Y Y Y Y Y
Assembly hall S S S S S S S
Restaurant, sit-down Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Restaurant, fast-food/carry-out L L L L L L L
Park or playground Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Festival grounds N N N N N N N
Recreation facility, indoor S S Y Y Y Y Y
Recreation facility, outdoor S S S S S S S
Health club Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Sports facility N N S S S S S
Gaming facility N N N N N N N
Theater L L Y Y Y Y Y
Convention and exposition center N N S S S S S
Marina Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Outdoor racing facility N N N N N N N
Adult entertainment establishment N N N N S S N
Recycling collection facility S S S S S S S
Mixed-waste processing facility N N N N N N N
Material reclamation facility N N N N N N N
Salvage operation, indoor N N N N N N S
Salvage operation, outdoor N N N N N N N
Wholesale and distribution facility, indoor S S L L L L Y
Wholesale and distribution facility, outdoor N N S S S S S
Storage Facilities
Indoor S S L L L L Y
Outdoor N N S S S S S
Hazardous materials N N N N N N N
Ambulance service N N S S Y Y S
Ground transportation service N N S S S S L
Passenger terminal N N Y Y Y Y Y
Helicopter landing facility N N S S S S S
Airport N N N N N N N
Ship terminal or docking facility N N N N N N N
Truck freight terminal N N N N N N N
Railroad switching, classification yard or freight terminal N N N N N N N
Manufacturing, light N N L L L L L
Manufacturing, heavy N N N N N N N
Manufacturing, intense N N N N N N N
Research and development N N S S S S S
Processing or recycling of mined materials N N N N N N N
Contractor's shop N N L L L L L
Contractor's yard N N S S S S S
Plant nursery or greenhouse N N N N N N N
Raising of crops or livestock N N N N N N N
Broadcasting or recording studio N N Y Y Y Y Y
Transmission tower L L L L L L L
Water treatment plant S S Y Y Y Y Y
Sewage treatment plant N N N N N N N
Power generation plant N N N N N N N
Substation/distribution equipment, indoor S S S S S S S
Substation/distribution equipment, outdoor L L L L L L L
Seasonal market L L L L L L L
Temporary real estate sales office L L L L L L L
Concrete/batch plant, temporary L L L L L L L
Live entertainment special event L L L L L L L
Part 40. Table 295-605-2 of the code is amended to read:
Design Standards for Non-residential and Multi-family Principal Buildings
Primary Street
Front setback, minimum (ft.) >>(see s. 295-505-2-b)<< average none average none average none none
Front setback, maximum (ft.) >>(see s. 295-505-2-b)<< 50 average 70 average none 70 average
Secondary Street
Side street setback, min. (ft.) none none none none none none none
Side street setback, max. (ft.) 15 5 25 5 none 70 5
Rear street setback, minimum (ft.) none none none none none none none
Rear street setback, maximum (ft.) none none none none none none none
Side setback, minimum (ft.) none none none none none none none
Side setback, maximum (ft.) none none none none none none none
Rear setback, minimum (ft.) none none none none none none none
Rear setback, maximum (ft.) none none none none none none none
Lot area per dwelling unit, minimum (sq. ft.) 2,400 1,200 1,200 800 1,200 800 1,200
Lot coverage, minimum (interior lot) 15% 30% 15% 30% none 15% 15%
Lot coverage, minimum (corner lot) 20% 40% 20% 40% none 20% 20%
Height, minimum (ft.) none 18 none 18 none 24 none
Height, maximum (ft.) 45 60 45 60 85 85 60
Minimum glazed area, primary street frontage 40% 60% 30% 60% 20% 30% 10%
Minimum glazed area, secondary street frontage 10% 15% 10% 15% 10% 15% 5%
Multiple principal buildings permitted? yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Design Standards for Single-family and Two-family Dwellings
Refer to design standards in subch. 5 for this residential district RM1 RM4 RM2 RM5 RM2 RM5 RM4
Part 41. Section 295-605-4-f to h of the code is renumbered 295-605-4-g to i.
Part 42. Section 295-605-4-f of the code is created to read:
295-605. Design Standards.
f. Loading Docks. Where loading for more than 2 truck bays is in a yard facing and visible from a public street or a non-industrial district, the loading docks shall be screened with type "G" landscaping, as described in s. 295-405. These standards may be waived in whole or in part, or compliance with them may be delayed, if visibility of the loading docks is limited by changes of grade, natural features, elevated roadways, existing buildings or similar obstructions.
Part 43. Table 295-605-5 of the code is amended to read:
Zoning District
Freestanding Signs permitted permitted permitted permitted permitted permitted permitted
Maximum number 1 per site 1 per site 1 per street frontage 1 per site 1 per street frontage 1 per street frontage 1 per site
Total type "A" and type "B" display area permitted (sq. ft.) 60 40 100 60 150 100 60
Type "B" max. display area (sq. ft.) 30 20 50 30 75 50 30
Maximum height 10 6 14 14 20 20 14
Wall Signs permitted permitted permitted permitted permitted permitted permitted
Total type "A" and type "B" display area permitted per 25 lineal feet (sq. ft.) 40 40 60 40 60 60 40
Type "B" max. display area per 25 lineal feet (sq. ft.) 25 25 30 25 30 30 25
Projecting Signs permitted permitted permitted permitted permitted permitted permitted
Maximum number 1 per 25 lineal ft. 1 per 25 lineal ft. 1 per 25 lineal ft. 1 per 25 lineal ft. 1 per 25 lineal ft. 1 per 25 lineal ft. 1 per 25 lineal ft.
Total type "A" and type "B" display area permitted (sq. ft.) 50 50 60 50 100 60 50
Type "B" max. display area (sq. ft.) 25 25 30 25 50 30 25
Awning Signs type "A" permitted only type "A" permitted only type "A" permitted only type "A" permitted only type "A" permitted only type "A" permitted only type "A" permitted only
Maximum number 1 per 25 lineal ft. 1 per 25 lineal ft. 1 per 25 lineal ft. 1 per 25 lineal ft. 1 per 25 lineal ft. 1 per 25 lineal ft. 1 per 25 lineal ft.
Total type "A" display area permitted (sq. ft.) 20 10 20 10 20 10 20
Canopy and Hood Signs permitted permitted permitted permitted permitted permitted permitted
Maximum number 1 per 25 lineal ft. 1 per 25 lineal ft. 1 per 25 lineal ft. 1 per 25 lineal ft. 1 per 25 lineal ft. 1 per 25 lineal ft. 1 per 25 lineal ft.
Total type "A" and type "B" display area permitted (sq. ft.) 50 50 60 50 100 60 50
Type "B" max. display area (sq. ft.) 25 25 30 25 50 30 25
Roof Signs not permitted not permitted permitted type "A" permitted only permitted permitted type "A" permitted only
Maximum number NA NA 1 per building 1 per building 1 per building 1 per building 1 per building
Total type "A" and type "B" display area permitted (sq. ft.) NA NA 100 100 100 100 50
Type "B" max. display area (sq. ft.) NA NA 50 0 50 50 0
Off-premise Signs not permitted not permitted permitted permitted permitted permitted permitted
Maximum number NA NA 1 per site 1 per site 1 per site 1 per site 1 per site
Maximum display are per sign (sq. ft.) NA NA 300 300 300 300 300
[[Minimum setback from all property lines]] [[NA]] [[NA]] [[height of the sign]]
Minimum distance between signs NA NA 500 ft. between any 2 ground or roof signs; 200 ft. between a ground or roof sign and a wall sign; 200 ft. between any 2 wall signs
Maximum height, freestanding sign (ft.) NA NA 35 35 35 35 35
Maximum height, wall sign (ft.) NA NA 40 40 40 40 40
Maximum height, roof sign NA NA 25 ft. above roof
Part 44. Section 295-605-5-d-1 of the code is amended to read:
d. Temporary Signs.
d-1. A sign pertaining to the construction of a building or the sale or lease of vacant land shall not exceed:
Zoning District Max. Sign Area
NS1 and NS2 36 sq. ft.
LB1, LB2 and CS 48 sq. ft.
[[RS1 and RS2]] >>RB1 and RB2<< 72 sq. ft.
Part 45. Table 295-703-1 of the code is amended to read:
Y = Permitted Use L = Limited Use S = Special Use N = Prohibited Use Zoning Districts
Uses C9A C9B C9C C9D C9E C9F C9G C9H
Single-family dwelling Y Y L L L L L N
Two-family dwelling Y Y L L L L L N
Multi-family dwelling Y Y L L L L L N
Attached single-family dwelling Y Y L L L L L N
Live-work unit Y Y L L L L L S
Mobile home N N N N N N N N
Watchman/service quarters N N N N N N N Y
Family day care home L L L L L L L N
Group Residential
Rooming house S S S S S N S N
Convent, rectory or monastery Y Y N Y N N N N
Dormitory Y Y N Y N N N N
Fraternity or sorority S S N S N N N N
Adult family home L L L L L L L N
Foster Homes
Foster family home Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
Small foster home L L L L L L L N
Group home or group foster home L L L L L L L N
Shelter Care Facilities
Family shelter care facility Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
Small group shelter care facility L L L L L L L N
Large group shelter care facility S S S S S S S N
Community living arrangement L L L L L L L N
>>Transitional living facility SS S S N S N<<
Day care center S S S S S S S S
School, elementary or secondary Y Y Y Y S Y Y S
College S S S Y S S Y Y
School, specialty or personal instruction S Y Y S S S Y S
Library Y Y Y Y S Y Y N
Cultural institution L L Y Y S Y Y N
Community center S S S S S S S S
Religious assembly Y Y Y Y L Y L N
Cemetery or other place of interment N N N N N N N N
Public safety facility Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Correctional facility N N N S N N N N
General office L Y Y Y L Y Y Y
Government office L Y Y Y L Y Y Y
Bank or other financial institution L Y Y Y Y Y Y N
Currency exchange, payday loan or title loan agency N S S S S S S S
Retail establishment, general L Y Y S Y Y Y S
Garden supply or landscaping center N N N N N N S S
Home improvement center N N N N N N N S
Secondhand store N S S N S S Y S
Outdoor merchandise sales S S S N S S Y S
Artist studio L Y Y N L L Y S
Adult retail establishment N N N N N N S S
Medical office L Y Y Y L Y Y Y
Health clinic S S S S L Y Y N
Hospital S S S S N S S N
Medical research laboratory N S S S S Y Y Y
Medical service facility N N N N S S S S
Social service facility S S S S S S S S
Emergency residential shelter N S S S N N S N
Nursing home S S S N N N N N
Personal service L Y Y S Y Y Y N
Business service S Y Y Y L Y Y Y
Building maintenance service N S S N L Y Y Y
Catering service L S S N N N Y Y
Funeral home N S S N N N Y N
Laundromat S Y Y N S Y Y N
Dry cleaning establishment L Y Y Y Y Y Y N
Furniture and appliance rental and leasing N S S N S S S S
Household maintenance and repair service N Y Y N Y N Y Y
Tool/equipment rental facility N S S N S N S S
Animal Services
Animal hospital/clinic N N S N S S S S
Animal boarding facility N N N N N N N N
Animal grooming or training facility N N S N S S S S
Light Motor Vehicle
Sales facility N N N N N N S Y
Rental facility N L L L L L L L
Repair facility N S S N S S S S
Body shop N N N N N N N S
Outdoor storage N N N N N N N S
Limited wholesale facility N Y Y N L Y L Y
Heavy Motor Vehicle
Sales facility N N N N N N N S
Rental facility N N N N N N S S
Repair facility N N N N N N N S
Body shop N N N N N N N S
Outdoor storage N N N N N N N S
General Motor Vehicle
Filling station N S S S S S S S
Car wash N S S S S S S S
Drive-through facility N S S S S S S S
Parking lot, principal use S S S S S S S S
Parking lot, accessory use L S S S S S S S
Parking structure, principal use S S L S L L S S
Parking structure, accessory use [[S]] >>L<< [[S]] >>L<< L [[S]] >>L<< L L [[S]] >>L<< [[S]] >>L<<
Heavy motor vehicle parking lot, principal N N S S S S S Y
Heavy motor vehicle parking lot, accessory S S S S S S S Y
Bed and breakfast S Y Y N L L Y N
Hotel, commercial S Y Y Y Y Y Y N
Hotel, residential Y Y Y N Y Y Y N
Tavern S Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Assembly hall S S Y Y L Y Y Y
Restaurant, sit-down L Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Restaurant, fast- food/carry-out L L L L L L L L
Park or playground Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Festival grounds N N N N N N N N
Recreation facility, indoor S S Y Y Y Y Y Y
Recreation facility, outdoor N S S S N N S S
Health club L L Y Y L Y Y Y
Sports facility S S Y Y Y Y Y Y
Gaming facility S S S S S S S S
Theater N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Convention and exposition center N N N Y Y Y Y N
Marina N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Outdoor racing facility N N N N N N N N
Adult entertainment establishment N N N N N N S S
Recycling collection facility N S S N N N S S
Mixed-waste processing facility N N N N N N N N
Material reclamation facility N N N N N N N N
Salvage operation, indoor N N N N N N N N
Salvage operation, outdoor N N N N N N N N
Wholesale and distribution facility, indoor N S S N N S Y Y
Wholesale and distribution facility, outdoor N N N N N N N N
Storage Facilities
Indoor N S S N N S Y Y
Outdoor N N N N N N N N
Hazardous materials N N N N N N N N
Ambulance service N N N N N N S S
Ground transportation service N N N N N N S Y
Passenger terminal S S S S S S Y Y
Helicopter landing facility N S S S S S S S
Airport N N N N N N N N
Ship terminal or docking facility N N N N N N Y Y
Truck freight terminal N N N N N N N N
Railroad switching, classification yard or freight terminal N N N N N N Y Y
Manufacturing, light N L L N L L Y Y
Manufacturing, heavy N N N N N N N N
Manufacturing, intense N N N N N N N N
Research and development N Y Y N Y Y Y Y
Processing or recycling of mined materials N N N N N N N N
Contractor's shop N N N N N N S Y
Contractor's yard N N N N N N S Y
Plant nursery or greenhouse N N N N N N N S
Raising of crops or livestock N N N N N N N N
Broadcasting or recording studio N Y Y Y L Y Y Y
Transmission tower L L L L L L L L
Water treatment plant S S S S S S S S
Sewage treatment plant S S S S S S S S
Power generation plant N N N N N N N N
Substation/distribution equipment, indoor S S S S S S S Y
Substation/distribution equipment, outdoor L L L L L L L Y
Seasonal market L L L L L L L L
Temporary real estate sales office L L L L L L L L
Concrete/batch plant, temporary L L L L L L L L
Live entertainment special event L L L L L L L L
Part 46. Section 295-703-2-L of the code is amended to read:
295-703. Uses.
L. Parking Structure, Principal Use [[or Accessory Use]]. At least 50% of the street frontage shall be devoted to permitted uses or uses approved by the board.
Part 47. Section 295-703-2-m to s of the code is renumbered 295-703-2-n to t.
Part 48. Section 295-703-2-m of the codes is created to read:
m. Parking Structure, Accessory Use. m-1. The parking spaces shall be integrated into a larger structure that houses one or more principal uses of the premises that are permitted uses or have been approved by the board.
m-2. If the structure is in the C9C, C9E, C9F or C9G district, at least 50% of the street frontage shall be devoted to permitted uses or uses approved by the board.
Part 49. Table 295-705-1 of the code is amended to read:
C9A subdistrict A C9A subdistrict B C9B subdistrict A C9B subdistrict B C9C C9D subdistrict A
Front setback >>(see s. 295-705-2- a)<< avg., but not more than 10 ft. avg., but not more than 10 ft. no requirement no requirement no requirement 10 ft.
Side setback each side setback shall be at least 3 ft., with a minimum of 8 ft. total for 2 sides; however, side setbacks shall not be required when a side lot line is shared by separate townhouse units no requirement no requirement no requirement each side setback shall be at least 3 ft., with a minimum of 8 ft. total for 2 sides
Side street setback >>(see s. 295-705-2- a)<< avg., but not more than 10 ft. avg., but not more than 10 ft. no requirement no requirement no requirement no requirement
Rear setback 10 ft. 10 ft. no requirement no requirement no requirement no requirement
Rear street setback >>(see s. 295-705-2- a)<< avg., but not more than 10 ft. avg., but not more than 10 ft. no requirement no requirement no requirement no requirement
Lot width, minimum 24 ft. 24 ft. none none none 100 ft.
Lot area, minimum none none none none none 20,000 sq. ft.
Permitted floor area [[(when lot coverage is 40% or less)]] >>(when surface open space will comprise 40% or less of the development site)<<; see s. 295-705-4 2(W) + 7.5(X) + 4(Y) 2(W) + 7.5(X) + 4(Y) 6(W) + 5(X) + 2.5(Y) 7(W) + 10(X) + 5(Y) 3(W) + 7.5(X) + 4(Y) 2(W) + 20(X) + 10(Y) + 0.05(Z)
Permitted floor area [[(when lot coverage is greater than 40% but less than 80%)]] >>(when surface open space will comprise more than 40% but less than 80% of the development site)<<; see s. 295-705-4 5(W) 5(W) 7(W) 8(W) + 5(X) + 2.5(Y) + 0.3(Z) 6(W) 4(W) + 10(X) + 5(Y) + 0.05(Z)
Permitted floor area [[(when lot coverage is 80% or more)]] >>(when surface open space will comprise 80% or more of the development site)<<; see s. 295-705-4 25(W) - 25(X) 25(W) - 25(X) 11.5(W) - 11.5(X) 12(W) + 12(X) + 0.3(Z) 30(W) - 30(X) 8(W) + 0.05(Z)
Building height, minimum 20 ft. 20 ft. 20 ft. if wholly residential; otherwise 30 ft. 20 ft. if wholly residential; otherwise 30 ft. 20 ft. 30 ft.
Building height, maximum none 40 ft. none none none none
Required usable open space (as defined in s. 295-201) 75 sq. ft./ dwelling unit 75 sq. ft./ dwelling unit 75 sq. ft./ dwelling unit 75 sq. ft./ dwelling unit 75 sq. ft./ dwelling unit 75 sq. ft./ dwelling unit
C9D subdist. B C9E C9F subdist. A C9F subdist. B C9F subdist. C C9G C9H
Front setback no requirement no requirement no requirement no requirement no requirement no requirement no requirement
Side setback no requirement no requirement no requirement no requirement no requirement no requirement no requirement
Side street setback no requirement no requirement no requirement no requirement no requirement no requirement no requirement
Rear setback no requirement no requirement no requirement no requirement no requirement no requirement no requirement
Rear street setback no requirement no requirement no requirement no requirement no requirement no requirement no requirement
Lot width, minimum 100 ft. none none none none none none
Lot area, minimum 20,000 sq. ft. none none none none none none
Permitted floor area [[(when lot coverage is 40% or less)]] >>(when surface open space will comprise 40% or less of the development site)<<; see s. 295-705-4 2(W) + 20(X) + 10(Y) + 0.05(Z) 7(W) + 13(X) + 6.5(Y) + 0.2(Z) 5.5(W) + 15(X) + 7.5(Y) + 0.1(Z) 8(W) + 20(X) + 10(Y) + 0.2(Z) 8(W) + 20(X) + 10(Y) + 0.2(Z) 5(W) + 5(X) + 2.5(Y) 5(W) + 5(X) + 2.5(Y)
Permitted floor area [[(when lot coverage is greater than 40% but less than 80%)]] >>(when surface open space will comprise more than 40% but less than 80% of the development site)<<; see s. 295-705-4 4(W) + 10(X) + 5(Y) + 0.05(Z) 8.1(W) + 2(X) + 1(Y) + 0.2(Z) 7.5(W) + 5(X) + 2.5(Y) + 0.1(Z) 9(W) + 10(X) + 5(Y) + 0.2(Z) 9(W) + 10(X) + 5(Y) + 0.2(Z) 7(W) 7(W)
Permitted floor area [[(when lot coverage is 80% or more)]] >>(when surface open space will comprise 80% or more of the development site)<<; see s. 295-705-4 8(W) + 0.05(Z) 8.5(W) + 0.2(Z) 9.5(W) + 0.1(Z) 12(W) + 0.2(Z) 12(W) + 0.2(Z) 14(W) - 14(X) 14(W) - 14(X)
Building height, minimum 30 ft. 40 ft. 30 ft. 40 ft. 30 ft. 20 ft. 20 ft.
Building height, maximum none none none none 50 ft. none none
Required usable open space (as defined in s. 295-201) 75 sq. ft./ dwelling unit 75 sq. ft./ dwelling unit 75 sq. ft./ dwelling unit 75 sq. ft./ dwelling unit 75 sq. ft./ dwelling unit 75 sq. ft./ dwelling unit no requirement
Part 50. Section 295-705-4-b of the code is amended to read:
b. Formulas. Exact formulas vary from district to district. In general, the larger the development site and the more surface open space, roof top open space or atrium space provided, the more floor area permitted. Paragraphs c to f describe how to calculate each of the 4 variables.
[[(Note: An example illustrating many of the calculation procedures outlined in this subsection is contained in an appendix to this chapter prepared by the department of city development and available from the legislative reference bureau.)]]
Part 51. Section 295-705-7-b-8-c of the code is created to read:
295-705. Design Standards.
b-8. Off-Premise Signs.
b-8-c. No off-premise sign shall be placed upon any premises used as a parking lot.
Part 52. Table 295-803-1 of the code is amended to read:
Y = Permitted Use L = Limited Use S = Special Use N = Prohibited Use Zoning Districts
Uses IO1/IO2 IL1/IL2 IM IH
Single-family dwelling N N Y N
Two-family dwelling N N Y N
Multi-family dwelling N N Y N
Attached single-family dwelling N N Y N
Live-work unit N N Y N
Mobile home N N N N
Watchman/service quarters Y Y N Y
Family day care home N N Y N
Group Residential
Rooming house N N S N
Convent, rectory or monastery N N Y N
Dormitory N N Y N
Fraternity or sorority N N S N
Adult family home N N L N
Foster Homes
Foster family home N N Y N
Small foster home N N L N
Group home or group foster home N N L N
Shelter Care Facilities
Family shelter care facility N N Y N
Small group shelter care facility N N L N
Large group shelter care facility N N S N
Community living arrangement N N L N
>>Transitional living facility N N N N<<
Day care center S S L S
School, elementary or secondary N N Y N
College S S S N
School, specialty or personal instruction S S S N
Library N N Y N
Cultural institution N N L N
Community center N N S N
Religious assembly N N N N
Cemetery or other place of interment N N N N
Public safety facility Y Y Y Y
Correctional facility N N N N
General office Y Y Y L
Government office Y Y Y L
Bank or other financial institution S S Y N
Currency exchange, payday loan or title loan agency N N S N
Retail establishment, general N N Y N
Garden supply or landscaping center N Y Y N
Home improvement center N Y Y N
Secondhand store N N S N
Outdoor merchandise sales N N L N
Artist studio N Y Y N
Adult retail establishment N N S N
Medical office S N S N
Health clinic L N S N
Hospital N N N N
Medical research laboratory Y Y Y N
Medical service facility N S N N
Social service facility N S S N
Emergency residential shelter N N N N
Nursing home N N N N
Personal service N N Y N
Business service Y S Y N
Building maintenance service S Y S N
Catering service S Y Y N
Funeral home N N N N
Laundromat N N Y N
Dry cleaning establishment N N Y N
Furniture and appliance rental and leasing N N Y N
Household maintenance and repair service N Y Y N
Tool/equipment rental facility N Y Y N
Animal Services
Animal hospital/clinic N Y L Y
Animal boarding facility N Y L Y
Animal grooming or training facility N Y L Y
Light Motor Vehicle
Sales facility N S S S
Rental facility L S S S
Repair facility N S S L
Body shop N S S L
Outdoor storage N Y S Y
Limited wholesale facility Y Y Y Y
Heavy Motor Vehicle
Sales facility N Y S Y
Rental facility N Y S Y
Repair facility N L S L
Body shop N L S L
Outdoor storage N L S Y
General Motor Vehicle
Filling station S S S S
Car wash S S S S
Drive-through facility S S S S
Parking lot, principal use Y Y L Y
Parking lot, accessory use Y Y L Y
Parking structure, principal use Y Y L Y
Parking structure, accessory use L L L L
Heavy motor vehicle parking lot, principal use S L L Y
Heavy motor vehicle parking lot, accessory use Y Y Y Y
Bed and breakfast N N Y N
Hotel, commercial L N Y N
Hotel, residential N N Y N
Tavern L L Y L
Assembly hall S S S N
Restaurant, sit-down L L Y L
Restaurant, fast-food/carry-out L L L L
Park or playground S S S S
Festival grounds N N N N
Recreation facility, indoor N S Y N
Recreation facility, outdoor N N S N
Health club L L Y N
Sports facility N S S N
Gaming facility N S N N
Theater N N Y N
Convention and exposition center S N S N
Marina Y Y Y Y
Outdoor racing facility N N N S
Adult entertainment establishment N N N N
Recycling collection facility S Y S Y
Mixed-waste processing facility N L S L
Material reclamation facility N N N L
Salvage operation, indoor L L L L
Salvage operation, outdoor N S S S
Wholesale and distribution facility, indoor Y Y Y Y
Wholesale and distribution facility, outdoor S Y S Y
Storage Facilities
Indoor Y Y Y Y
Outdoor N Y S Y
Hazardous materials N N N S
Ambulance service Y Y S Y
Ground transportation service S Y S Y
Passenger terminal Y Y Y Y
Helicopter landing facility S S S S
Airport N Y N N
Ship terminal or docking facility N Y N Y
Truck freight terminal N S S L
Railroad switching, classification yard or freight terminal N Y Y Y
Manufacturing, light Y Y Y Y
Manufacturing, heavy N S S Y
Manufacturing, intense N N N S
Research and development Y Y Y Y
Processing or recycling of mined minerals N N N S
Contractor's shop S Y Y Y
Contractor's yard S Y Y Y
Plant nursery or greenhouse Y Y Y Y
Raising of crops or livestock Y Y Y Y
Broadcasting or recording studio Y S Y S
Transmission tower L L L L
Water treatment plant Y Y Y Y
Sewerage treatment plant N Y N Y
Power generation plant N S N Y
Substation/distribution equipment, indoor S Y S Y
Substation/distribution equipment, outdoor L Y L Y
Seasonal market L L L L
Temporary real estate sales office L L L L
Concrete/batch plant, temporary L L L L
Live entertainment special event L LL L
Pat 53. Section 295-805-2-b of the code s repealed and recreated to read:
295-805. Industrial Design Standards.
b. Conversion of Industrial Buildings. Industrial buildings may be converted to non-industrial uses as permitted by table 295-803-1 or as approved by the board. The design standards for non-industrial and residential buildings specified in table 295-805-2 shall apply to new construction only. Converted buildings shall not be subject to these design standards.
Part 54. Table 295-805-2 of the code is amended to read:
Design Standards for Industrial Buildings; see table 295-805-4-d if the building site is adjacent to or across a street or alley from a residential, institutional, park or non-industrial planned development district.
Front setback, minimum (ft.) none none none none none none
Side street setback, minimum (ft.) none none none none none none
Rear street setback, minimum (ft.) none none none none none none
Side setback, minimum (ft.) none none none none none none
Rear setback, minimum (ft.) none none none none none none
Height, maximum (see also s. 295-805-4-e) none none none none 85 ft. (new con- struc- tion only) none
Design Standards for Non-industrial[[/Non-residential]] Buildings >>Except Single-family and Two-family Dwellings<<
Refer to design standards in subch. 6 for this commercial district: LB1 LB2 LB1 LB2 LB2>>*<< LB2
>>* Compliance with the lot area and lot coverage requirements of the LB2 district shall not be required and maximum building height shall be 85 feet. For residential buildings, compliance with the glazing requirements of the LB2 district shall not be required.<<
Design Standards for [[Residential Buildings]] >>Single-family and Two-family Dwellings<<
Refer to design standards in subch. 5 for this residential district: RM1 RM5 RM1 RM5 [[RM6]] >>RM5<< RM5
Part 55. Table 295-805-5 of the code is amended to read:
Zoning District
Freestanding Signs permitted permitted permitted permitted
Maximum number 1 per street frontage 1 per site 1 per site 1 per site
Total type "A" and type "B" display area permitted (sq. ft.) 80 100 80 100
Type "B" max. display area (sq. ft.) 40 50 40 50
Maximum height 15 15 15 30
Wall Signs permitted permitted permitted permitted
Total type "A" and type "B" display area permitted per 25 lineal feet (sq. ft.) 60 120 60 120
Type "B" max. display area per 25 lineal feet (sq. ft.) 30 60 30 60
Projecting Signs permitted permitted permitted permitted
Maximum number 1 per 25 lineal ft. 1 per 25 lineal ft. 1 per 25 lineal ft. 1 per 25 lineal ft.
Total type "A" and type "B" display area permitted (sq. ft.) 50 60 50 60
Type "B" max. display area (sq. ft.) 25 30 25 30
Awning Signs permitted permitted permitted permitted
Maximum number 1 per 25 lineal ft. 1 per 25 lineal ft. 1 per 25 lineal ft. 1 per 25 lineal ft.
Total type "A" and type "B" display area permitted (sq. ft.) 20 20 20 20
Type "B" max. display area (sq. ft.) type "B" not permitted 10 type "B" not permitted 10
Canopy and Hood Signs permitted permitted permitted permitted
Maximum number 1 per 25 lineal ft. 1 per 25 lineal ft. 1 per 25 lineal ft. 1 per 25 lineal ft.
Total type "A" and type "B" display area permitted (sq. ft.) 50 60 50 60
Type "B" max. display area (sq. ft.) 25 30 25 30
Roof Signs type "A" permitted only permitted type "A" permitted only permitted
Maximum number 1 per building 1 per building 1 per building 1 per building
Total type "A" and type "B" display area permitted (sq. ft.) 50 no limit 50 no limit
Type "B" max. display area (sq. ft.) NA 100 NA 100
Off-premise Signs permitted permitted permitted permitted
Maximum number 1 per site 1 per site 1 per site 1 per site
Maximum display are per sign (sq. ft.) 672 672 300 672
[[Minimum setback from all property lines]] [[height of the sign]]
Minimum distance between signs 500 ft. between any 2 ground or roof signs; 200 ft. between a ground or roof sign and a wall sign; 200 ft. between any 2 wall signs
Maximum height, freestanding sign (ft.) 35 35 40 40
Maximum height, wall sign (ft.) 40 40 60 60
Maximum height, roof sign 25 ft. above roof
Part 56. Table 295-903-2-a of the code is amended to read:
Y = Permitted Use L = Limited Use S = Special Use N = Prohibited Use Zoning District
Uses PK
Single-family dwelling N
Two-family dwelling N
Multi-family dwelling N
Attached single-family dwelling N
Live-work unit N
Mobile home N
Watchman/service quarters N
Family day care home N
Group Residential
Rooming house N
Convent, rectory or monastery N
Dormitory N
Fraternity or sorority N
Adult family home N
Foster Homes
Foster family home N
Small foster home N
Group home or group foster home N
Shelter Care Facilities
Family shelter care facility N
Small group shelter care facility N
Large group shelter care facility N
Community living arrangement N
>>Transitional living facility N<<
Day care center L
School, elementary or secondary Y
College Y
School, specialty or personal instruction S
Library Y
Cultural institution L
Community center L
Religious assembly L
Cemetery or other place of interment N
Public safety facility Y
Correctional facility N
General office N
Government office Y
Bank or other financial institution N
Currency exchange, payday loan agency or title loan agency N
Retail establishment, general L
Garden supply or landscaping center N
Home improvement center N
Secondhand store N
Outdoor merchandise sales N
Artist studio N
Adult retail establishment N
Medical office N
Health clinic N
Hospital N
Medical research laboratory N
Medical service facility N
Social service facility N
Emergency residential shelter N
Nursing home N
Personal service N
Business service N
Building maintenance service N
Catering service N
Funeral home N
Laundromat N
Dry cleaning establishment N
Furniture and appliance rental and leasing N
Household maintenance and repair service N
Tool/equipment rental facility N
Animal Services
Animal hospital/clinic N
Animal boarding facility N
Animal grooming or training facility N
Light Motor Vehicle
Sales facility N
Rental facility N
Repair facility N
Body shop N
Outdoor storage N
Limited wholesale facility N
Heavy Motor Vehicle
Sales facility N
Rental facility N
Repair facility N
Body shop N
Outdoor storage N
General Motor Vehicle
Filling station N
Car wash N
Drive-through facility N
Parking lot, principal use S
Parking lot, accessory use Y
Parking structure, principal use S
Parking structure, accessory use S
Heavy motor vehicle parking lot, principal use N
Heavy motor vehicle parking lot, accessory use N
Bed and breakfast N
Hotel, commercial N
Hotel, residential N
Tavern N
Assembly hall L
Restaurant, sit-down L
Restaurant, fast-food/carry-out L
Park or playground Y
Festival grounds N
Recreation facility, indoor Y
Recreation facility, outdoor Y
Health club N
Sports facility S
Gaming facility N
Theater L
Convention and exposition center S
Marina L
Outdoor racing facility N
Adult entertainment establishment N
Recycling collection facility N
Mixed-waste processing facility N
Material reclamation facility N
Salvage operation, indoor N
Salvage operation, outdoor N
Wholesale and distribution facility, indoor N
Wholesale and distribution facility, outdoor N
Storage Facilities
Indoor N
Outdoor N
Hazardous materials N
Ambulance service N
Ground transportation service N
Passenger terminal L
Helicopter landing facility N
Airport N
Ship terminal or docking facility N
Truck freight terminal N
Railroad switching, classification yard or freight terminal N
Manufacturing, light N
Manufacturing, heavy N
Manufacturing, intense N
Research and development N
Processing or recycling of mined materials N
Contractor's shop N
Contractor's yard N
Plant nursery or greenhouse L
Raising of crops or livestock Y
Broadcasting or recording studio N
Transmission tower L
Water treatment plant Y
Sewerage treatment plant N
Power generation plant N
Substation/distribution equipment, indoor S
Substation/distribution equipment, outdoor L
Seasonal market L
Temporary real estate sales office N
Concrete/batch plant, temporary L
Live entertainment special event L
Part 57. Table 295-905-2-a of the code is amended to read:
Y = Permitted Use L = Limited Use S = Special Use N = Prohibited Use Zoning District
Uses TL
Single-family dwelling N
Two-family dwelling N
Multi-family dwelling N
Attached single-family dwelling N
Live-work unit N
Mobile home N
Watchman/service quarters Y
Family day care home N
Group Residential
Rooming house S
Convent, rectory or monastery Y
Dormitory Y
Fraternity or sorority S
Adult family home N
Foster Homes
Foster family home N
Small foster home N
Group home or group foster home N
Shelter Care Facilities
Family shelter care facility N
Small shelter care facility N
Large shelter care facility N
Community living arrangement N
>>Transitional living facility N<<
Day care center L
School, elementary or secondary Y
College Y
School, specialty or personal instruction Y
Library Y
Cultural institution Y
Community center S
Religious assembly Y
Cemetery or other place of interment Y
Public safety facility Y
Correctional facility S
General office Y
Government office Y
Bank or other financial institution L
Currency exchange, payday loan agency or title loan agency S
Retail establishment, general L
Garden supply or landscaping center N
Home improvement center N
Secondhand store N
Outdoor merchandise sales N
Artist studio Y
Adult retail establishment N
Medical office Y
Health clinic S
Hospital S
Medical research laboratory Y
Medical service facility S
Social service facility S
Emergency residential shelter S
Nursing home Y
Personal service L
Business service L
Building maintenance service S
Catering service S
Funeral home Y
Laundromat S
Dry cleaning establishment S
Furniture and appliance rental and leasing N
Household maintenance and repair service N
Tool/equipment rental facility N
Animal Services
Animal hospital/clinic N
Animal boarding facility N
Animal grooming or training facility N
Light Motor Vehicle
Sales facility N
Rental facility N
Repair facility N
Body shop N
Outdoor storage N
Limited wholesale facility N
Heavy Motor Vehicle
Sales facility N
Rental facility N
Repair facility N
Body shop N
Outdoor storage N
General Motor Vehicle
Filling station N
Car wash N
Drive-through facility L
Parking lot, principal use S
Parking lot, accessory use Y
Parking structure, principal use Y
Parking structure, accessory use Y
Heavy motor vehicle parking lot, principal use N
Heavy motor vehicle parking lot, accessory use N
Bed and breakfast S
Hotel, commercial N
Hotel, residential N
Tavern N
Assembly hall S
Restaurant, sit-down Y
Restaurant, fast-food/carry-out L
Park or playground Y
Festival grounds Y
Recreation facility, indoor S
Recreation facility, outdoor S
Health club Y
Sports facility S
Gaming facility N
Theater N
Convention and exposition center S
Marina Y
Outdoor racing facility N
Adult entertainment establishment N
Recycling collection facility S
Mixed-waste processing facility N
Material reclamation facility N
Salvage operation, indoor N
Salvage operation, outdoor N
Wholesale and distribution facility, indoor N
Wholesale and distribution facility, outdoor N
Storage Facilities
Indoor N
Outdoor N
Hazardous materials N
Ambulance service Y
Ground transportation service N
Passenger terminal Y
Helicopter landing facility S
Airport N
Ship terminal or docking facility N
Truck freight terminal N
Railroad switching, classification yard or freight terminal N
Manufacturing, light N
Manufacturing, heavy N
Manufacturing, intense N
Research and development S
Processing or recycling of mined materials N
Contractor's shop N
Contractor's yard N
Plant nursery or greenhouse N
Raising of crops or livestock N
Broadcasting or recording studio Y
Transmission tower L
Water treatment pant Y
2Sewerage treatmen plant Y
Power generation plant S
Substation/distribution equipment, indoor Y
Substation/distribution equipment, outdoor L
Seasonal market L
Temporary real estate sales office L
Concrete/batch plant, temporary L
Live entertainment special event L
Part 58. Section 295-1017-2-f-6 of the code is created to read:
295-1017. Master Sign Program Overlay Zone (MSP).
f. Required Findings.
f-6. The height of any freestanding sign will not exceed 150% of the maximum height otherwise allowed.
Part 59. The official City of Milwaukee zoning map is replaced by the zoning map which is attached to and made a part of this file.
Legislative Reference Bureau
Office of the City Attorney
City Clerk-Legislative Reference Bureau