The Chair
Resolution authorizing the Commissioner of Public Works to execute an agreement with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for the funding of street lighting improvements in the West Capitol Drive, West Atkinson Avenue, and North Teutonia Avenue area under a State Transportation Enhancement Grant. (Infrastructure Services Division)
This resolution will authorize and direct the Commissioner of Public Works to execute a funding agreement with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for the construction of street lighting improvements for the Capitol Drive, Atkinson Avenue and Teutonia Avenue area using State Highway Enhancement funds. The resolution also directs the City's Comptroller to create the necessary accounts to fund the City of Milwaukee's share for construction of this project.
Whereas, The Common Council has received approval for a State Transportation Enhancement grant from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WISDOT) to undertake streetscape improvements on West Capitol Drive from West Atkinson Avenue to North 27th Street, on West Atkinson Avenue from North 19th Street to North Teutonia Avenue, and on North Teutonia Avenue from West Melvina Street to West Atkinson Avenue; and
Whereas, Improvements to the street lighting within the project limits are eligible for funding under the State Transportation Enhancement Grant; and
Whereas, WISDOT has indicated that funding assistance for 80% of the estimated cost is available; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee that the Commissioner of Public Works (CPW) is hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with WISDOT for cost participation in the installation and/or modification of street lighting facilities within the aforementioned project limits, a copy of which is attached to Common Council Resolution File Number 021273, and is incorporated in this resolution by reference as though set forth in full; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the CPW is hereby authorized and directed to construct improvements to the street lighting equipment included in the State Transportation Enhancement grant streetscape project following the execution of the Transportation Enhancement Funding agreement; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the City Comptroller is hereby authorized to create within the Capitol Improvements Fund, Grant and Aid Projects, the necessary Project/Grant Chartfield values for this project (Expenditures), and transfer to these accounts the amount required under the project agreement and City Accounting Policy, but not to exceed and 10 percent increase of the total amounts reserved for the grantor's share or $5,000, whichever is greater, as follows:
City Share
Fund No 0339
Project Grant No. UR03394500
Federal Grantor Share
Fund No. 0306
Project Grant No. SP032020100
Department of Public works
Infrastructure Services Division
December 17, 2002