Resolution authorizing payment of an Arbitration award in the cases of Metropolitan Associates v. City, Granville Holding v. City, Servite Village Apartments v. City, Rainbow Terrace Apartments v. City, Riverwood Apartments Assn. v. City and Northland Apartments v. City for the years 2006, 2007 and 2008 for the total amount of $58,976.74 plus statutory interest.
This resolution authorizes payment of an Arbitration award in the cases of Metropolitan Associates v. City, Granville Holding v. City, Servite Village Apartments v. City, Rainbow Terrace Apartments v. City, Riverwood Apartments Assn. v. City and Northland Apartments v. City, in the total amount of $58,976.74 plus interest, if applicable.
Whereas, The cases of Metropolitan Associates v. City (07CV14475), Granville Holding v. City (07CV14477), Servite Village Apartments v. City (07CV14473), Rainbow Terrace Apartments v. City (07CV14474), Riverwood Apartments Assn. v. City (08CV7044) and Northland Apartments v. City (07CV14471) are Wis. State Statute. 74.37 claims for Excessive Assessment for years 2006, 2007 and 2008 and have claimed property tax refunds; and
Whereas, The parties have submitted this issue to Arbitration and an award has been granted; and
Whereas, The Assessor’s Office has calculated the net property refund amount to be as shown in this file for each owner; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, That the proper city officers are authorized and directed to issue city checks in the amounts as shown in this file, to be refunded to the taxpayer, plus interest at the average annual discount rate determined by the last auction of 6-month U.S. treasury bills before the objection per day for the period of time between the time when the tax was due and the date that the claim was paid pursuant to Section 74.37(5) of Wisconsin Statutes, for an appeal that was filed as shown in this file, applicable from date of objection to date of repayment, said amounts to be charged to the Remission of Taxes Fund, 0001 Org 9990 Program 0001 Sub-class S163 Account 006300, and said checks to be delivered to the Customer Services Unit of the Treasurer’s Office for disbursement; and, be it
Further Resolved, That interest for Key No. 031-0101-110-X shall be applicable from date of payment to January 31, 2007 for the year 2006, and, that interest for Key No. 183-9956-112-0 shall be applicable from date of payment to January 31, 2007 for the year 2006, that interest for Key No. 316-1015-100-3 shall be applicable from date of payment to January 31, 2007 for the year 2006, and that interest for Key No. 031-0101-110-X shall be applicable from date of payment to January 31, 2008 for the year 2007, and that interest for Key No. 031-0101-110-X shall be applicable from date of payment to January 31, 2009 for the year 2008, and that interest for Key No. 043-0721-000-8 shall be applicable from date of payment to January 31, 2009 for the year 2008; and, be it
Further Resolved, That for and in consideration of the above-referenced payment, plaintiff and its attorneys will provide to the City a release of any and all claims arising out of or in any way related to this incident and a stipulation and order for dismissal of the pending court action.
Assessor’s Office