Resolution designating the Albert P. Kunzelmann House, 1635 South 8th Street, as an Historic Structure. (Historic Preservation Commission)
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This resolution designates the Albert P. Kunzelmann House, 1635 South 8th Street, as an Historic Structure.
Whereas, The Milwaukee Historic Preservation Ordinance, Section 308-81 of the Milwaukee Code, as amended, provides that Historic Sites, Structures and Districts may be designated by the Common Council upon the recommendation of the Historic Preservation Commission; and
Whereas, The Historic Preservation Commission has adopted procedures for the purpose of making these recommendations; and
Whereas, The Historic Preservation Commission recommends that the Albert P. Kunzelmann House, 1635 South 8th Street, be designated as an Historic Structure; and
Whereas, This structure possesses integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association and fulfills the following criteria set forth in Section 308-81(2)(e):
e-1. Its exemplification of the development of the cultural, economic, social or historic heritage of the City of Milwaukee, State of Wisconsin or of the United States.
e-3. Its identification with a person or persons who significantly contributed to the culture and development of the City of Milwaukee.
e-5. Its embodiment of the distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type or specimen.
; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee that the Albert P. Kunzelmann House, 1635 South 8th Street, and further described as follows:
Tax Key Number: 461-1418-000-9; LW WEEKS SUBD IN NW 1/4 SEC 5-6-22, BLOCK 143, LOTS 4 & 5
be designated as a Milwaukee Historic Structure. The Preservation Guidelines pursuant to the Historic Designation Study Report, a copy of which is attached to this Common Council File, shall apply to this structure and are adopted by the Common Council as part of this resolution.